What I Wore: Creature(s) of Habit

Didn’t I just write that I was not so crazy for animal prints anymore? Wrong. I do still love this skirt. It’s got a great silhouette and a nice heavy cotton fabric that holds its shape. I feel good when I wear it – maybe it’ll become a classic!

The H and M skirt was thrifted as-new for about $10. The shirt was also thrifted. It’s by Lafayette 148, a quality brand, I later discovered. Don’t you love it when that happens? This shirt confirms the good press: it’s very soft woven cotton and washes/dries beautifully.

The shoes are new, by DKNYC and yes, they are animal print too. But they’re my only tiger-print piece, so I’m claiming an exemption  : >

Leaf pendant from Forever 21. That’s where teenagers shop.
I’m young at heart.

I think I need to assert my right to change my mind about animal prints, at any given time in the future. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!

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  1. Great outfit! I love leopard print and honestly I'm not totally "over" it yet either.  I have a pair of leopard flats that I still wear all the time.  I get compliments on them too, which makes me think other women aren't over the trend either.

  2. Hi Patti,

    Lovely look for you
    I adore the combonition of the 2 animal print
    Have a lovely weekend!

    Ariane xxxxx

  3.  I know, Debbi – once I looked the brand up, I saw that I could easily fill my closet with their pieces (except for that $$$ thing )  : >

  4. I think this is a wonderfully classy look on you!  I really love the blouse/skirt combination; you can do a lot with accessories to dress it up, down etc. and you will always look great!

    Love, Jean

  5. Love the outfit!! It looks classic and elegent!!
    I like to shop the teenybopper stores like Forever21 for jewelry and accessories–really cute cheap stuff!!

  6. Very good looking skirt, love the mix of animal prints. Envious of your pendant 🙂

  7. While this look might be currently "on trend," it's also quite classic, especially in these simple lines. I like it! And I must say that you demonstrate effectively how rules can be broken: I've got a "don't double-cat" rule, but your pairing of shoes and skirt here works really well.

  8. Serene is correct, you do look smashing. That Lafayette 148 blouse was a lucky find. Lafayette 148 is one brand that I could easily wear anything they create. Unfortunately, it is very expensive and not in my current budget.
    I bet you got a bunch of compliments on this outfit.

  9. I love the skirt!  I too have noticed animal prints are not being shown in the trending adds.  Again, good thing I live in Indiana.  It takes about a year or more for the trend to hit so I get to wear it longer.

  10. This whole look is fanatastic!!  I wish I could find a similat skirt…you just gave me the itch to hit thrift stores this weekend….love all of it!

  11. Grrrr, such  marvellous creatures, you and the ones you're wearing! Something about this… I love the mix of the shoes with the skirt. You look great in black as well as pastels. Your talons pop against that black and white backdrop.

  12. Oh, I like how you are mixing up your cats here and that blouse is a stunner.  The brand is a new one on me.  I may have to investigate the brand.

  13. Great find on the Lafayette 148 blouse! They can be close to $200 new for some styles! I'm still not ready to retire some of my leopard print pieces either.

  14. Well you look simply SMASHING!  You just change your mind all you want….I mean, it's a woman's perogative, right?

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