Plain or Fancy, I Can’t Decide. Help??

I’d like to get a new purse for Spring/Summer. I’ve been carrying a dark brown Cole Haan bag that I bought while thrifting in NYC (name dropping!!). I do enjoy it, but it looks like Winter to me now.

I won’t bore you with all the different bags I’ve got my eye on, but the main categories are Plain and Fancy.

Plain is good quality, good construction, solid color leather in a neutral color. This bag will “go” with everything, hold all my goodies, and make me feel well-dressed when I use it. I will get two years’ wear from it, and then pass it to my baby sister (age 42), who seems to love all my purses  : >

The Plain Bag looks something like this:

Lovely, right? By Fossil, about $200 when not on sale.

Fancy is also good quality, but it’s bold, colorful and has a point of view. It might not go with everything. It will make me smile when I look at it. Will I love it for two years? Not sure. I love it right now! It looks like this:

Crazy pretty. Anna by Anuschka, about $136

Help me out, friends. Which should I buy? Please vote in the comments, if you have a moment. I appreciate your feedback and fashion wisdom!

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  1. I vote fancy. Those Anuschka bags are beautiful and well-made. The one you pictured plays well with the colors you often wear…reds, blues, soft purples.

    Fossil brings out lovely, practical bags season after season. If you decide later that you need a classic bag, they will be waiting for you. But a bag with butterflies and roses is as ephemeral as a dream, and should be enjoyed in the season it calls to you.

  2. I say go for something unexpected. A wild color. Something out if your comfort zone and in one bright color.
    Sometimes I amaze myself as I'll buy something bold for my regular style and then think I should not have as I'll never wear it – however… then I surprise myself when its the item I use the most. It happened with a yellow bag I had – I cannot tell you how much wear it had until it literally fell apart !

  3. Always go for what you love. I am sure you have other plain bags/neutral bags that you could switch out for a day. Don't you?. I can hear the compliments already. Dawn xo

  4. I vote for the "basic" bag if you have to chose between the two; you can always add the funk factor with a scarf tied to the handle or with your clothes etc.  Plus I personally LOVE any bag with a strap and a handle.  I see why you might be in a quandary, though!

    Love, Jean

  5.  sorry about your computer and Visible Monday, Rosemary. I have a feeling you look smashing every day  : >

  6.  I stick with a bag for many months – so a good point made here, Ginger!

  7. I do love the style of the "plain" bag. It's not really soooo plain. That said, I've never gotten rid of any of my "fancy" bags. I still like them more than two years later.

  8. Why not both? The fossil for your serious days and the Anna for the fun days.

  9. Sorry Patti, I dunno.  I like the bottom one, but it won't be gorgeous with everything.  But it will look great and people will comment on it.  The other one will go with more things… this a good enough reason?  Depends on how much of a traditionalist you are. Buy the one you really love.  If it doesn't go with your clothes, change your clothes.

    Would love to submit to Visible Monday, but the link doesn't work on my computer.  I get nowhere with it.  You'll just have to take my word I'm gorgeous that day!

    Much love from England,

  10. Hi Lovely Patti,

    I would go with #1 – it is more classic and it will go with everything

    Ariane xxxx

  11. In the past, I've gone for bags I've fallen in love with for similar reasons as would have drawn you to #2. But I'm not want to switch bags from day to day or week to week, and got frustrated with the not-matching days. Now I'm keener on a beautiful, functional, well-made neutral, putting the colour and the print in the rest of my wardrobe. So #1 for me — plus it's a good-looking bag!

  12. Go with the Crazy Pretty…Every time you look at it, you'll SMILE!  And in MY humble opinion, a smile is one's best accessory. So….you'll be getting two for the price of one! 🙂

  13. I typically go for practical, but you nailed it when you said fancy made you smile….that is the one you should have

  14. as someone who has a bin of thrifted purses and swaps them out to match my outfit–I'd go for #2 because it's just so fun and vibrant!!

  15. I totally know what you mean – I feel like my current bag looks like Winter as well. I'm loving that light camel bag you picked out – it's so versatile and would go with everything 🙂
    The Other Side of Gray 

  16. For me, the Fossil wins hands down!  It's gorgeous, classic and can be "fancied up" with a great scarf tied to the handle!  OR just go ahead and get both girly!  The money you save on thrifting will more than cover the cost AND a great bag makes even the simplest of outfits look grand!  I can so see the second bag livening up a neutral look or in the summer with your light weight dresses!  Either way, you can't lose!  Hugs!  ~Serene

  17. There is so much I look at with a handbag…how functional is it …size is important since a reporter carries recorders, notebooks…pockets must have easy access to business cards and phone…but the overall look and color must go with the majority of my outfits because I do not change purses that often. After all that I agree with une femme, make sure you love it and it makes you smile!!

  18. If it were me, and I adore purses, I would buy the most perfect classic bag for the most money I could afford and love it fora long time. Then I would thrift and bargain shop for something crazy to love for a few months.

  19. Crazy pretty, the second one, is my vote. If you get tired of it, it's a good excuse to go buy the first one when it's on sale. This is definitely not wisdom but gut. 

  20. i'm leaning toward the bright colorful one.  i'm all about fun with my bags and find that they actually match with more than you think 🙂


  21. Are you a carry the same bag for months at a time person?  If so I'd say go with the plain.  If you switch them around pretty frequently then I'd go with the pretty one.  Eventually you'd wear something that would "not go" with the pretty one and then you'd wish you had a solid.

  22. I love the Fossil bag but if the Anna bag makes your heart sing I think you have to go with that! Let us know which one you select. XO, Jill

  23. I'm all for being ostentatious, over the top, and bold… but I say go for the first bag. It's classic, it looks like it will last through some wear. And I'm a little bit obsessed with Fossil

  24. I have a terrible, horrible, recently-acquired Thing for Fossil bags, so I adore the plain one, but if the other one makes you happy whenever you look at it, I think you have your answer.

  25.  yes! follow the link – there's a very pretty rose color  : >

  26. I'm a practical paralegal. I love the plain one. But does it come in coral or yellow? 😀

  27. What would I do? Go for fancy! I'm not very practical. What should you do? Get the plain! This is just because it really does make more sense to get a neutral, go-with-everything, especially one as elegant as that.

  28. Love the fancy! I don't think you'll regret it. Life's too short anyway 😉

  29. Go for number one, it will last you much longer and not date.  If you want to make it more fun tie a scarf around the handle for colour or one of those large key ring type attachments.  I feel number 2 will date and to me it looks dated already.  Classic is always best for leather bags.  Enjoy.  ax

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