Visible Days?? A Blogging Idea that Needs Your Input!

I wrote about feeling like the Invisible Woman last week, and many of you added very thoughtful comments. Sincere thanks for reading and for your always-appreciated responses. Today, the lovely Paula wrote about Invisibility on her blog Fashion Over Fifty. I think we’ve tickled a nerve, and more of us have something to say about it.

We women are powerful in our lives through our relationships, work, families, charities, hobbies, and writing. We express ourselves through the media, politics, art, music, crafts, parenting, cooking and much more. We are very visible in the world. We generally have no shortage of self-confidence. But many of us over-40’s are wrestling with the inevitable changes to our outer selves. The mainstream media is usually no help, showing us “anti-aging” creams on nineteen year-old models.

We’re not ready to fade into the woodwork! I see from the responses to my post, and to Paula’s, that we are refusing to become invisible by: wearing color, choosing signature jewelry, letting our natural hair fly free, breaking “rules” willy nilly, and showing our grown-up beauty in countless ways.

I am cooking up an idea, and I need some input from you. What about a Visible Day for us bloggers, in which we post an outfit, accessory, lipstick color, hairstyle, etc., that especially expresses our Joy of Being (Physically) Visible? There are successful templates already for this blogging concept. We have the great Fashion Beauty Friend Friday posts, and the Everybody, Everywear series, among others. These group postings help develop friendships among bloggers and readers, and it is fun to work around a common theme.

Would any of you be interested in doing a Visible Monday (or Tuesday) series, or maybe just one day a month, along similar lines? We could link to each other’s posts and trade comments, if we liked, to help promote the gloriously Visible Woman.

Please let me know via the Comments, or send me an email if you think this might be a good (or crappy) idea. How you might tweak it? Should we have prizes? A visible-o-meter? (Kidding!) In any case, let’s make it a celebration! Looking forward to hearing from you.

This woman is VISIBLE, okay?
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  1. You know I'm game! And even headless shots for those less brave…..
    Aint it great being bloggin friends? Love Paula

  2. Thanks, Anne! I think I will try it myself, and get brave enough to post my own pic. I remember reading that you had to take a deep breath before you did that too — so glad you did.

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