I recently got a request from the delightful Annette about how I do my curls. You curly women out there have probably, like me, read scads of books and articles about how to care for curly hair. And, like me, you’ve probably created your own routine that works with your one-of-a-kind hair (all curlies are slightly different, I think).
I often wear add-on hair for a photo shoot, as in here and here, because then the curls are completely predictable and I don’t fear the weather. For my everyday life and Instagrams (follow me) I usually go au naturel, and every day can have a different look.
I have a couple of routines I follow, and would love to hear what you other curlies do. Below is my plan for when I want well-defined curls and spirals:
Shampoo with a gentle brand. Fortunately there are now dozens of great sulfate-free shampoos to choose from, so pick your own favorite by price, brand, or scent. I’m currently loving L’Oreal Ever-Pure, but I do change them around. Full disclosure: I use a purple shampoo once a week to keep my silvers looking silver.
Add a combination of hair cream and gel. Before I comb out I put a generous blob of cream-gel (like this one) on my hair and work it though. Then I comb through with a wide-tooth hair pick.
Make a few light coils. After my hair’s about 25% dry, I use my fingers to make twists all around. My stylist taught me how to do it and here’s a useful tutorial video. This woman clearly has different hair than mine, and more of it. But the twirling technique is similar; the video starts at the 6:00 mark.
Always air dry, the slow way. I always wash my hair when I have a couple of hours before bed, or before going out. The slow dry, with no hair touching, is my “secret” to nice curls.
Now please share your curly secrets with us, and never forget the words of Frieda:
“People always expect more from you when you have naturally curly hair.”
Stay fabulous, and see you at the new “Easy does it” Visible Monday,

Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. You are invited to share your favorite outfit, accessory, hairstyle or lipstick of the week – anything that made you feel Visible. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!
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Here’s some great products and accessories for curls:
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This is really helpful! Thanks for sharing. When I was younger, I wore a longish “fro” and it looked great, but it seems harder to style now. Yours looks good! So, I am going to, once again, try to forgo the Keratin treatment and give curly a go!
No secrets I’m afraid, my hair is straight. When it’s longer it is wavy, and I encourage that by pushing in the waves with my fingers and letting it dry naturally. Yours always looks great and makes me wish mine was longer!
Our routines are similar. I’ve found that key to making curls look good is using the right products. The cartoon is awesome … I’m totally going to borrow it.
I have no secrets bcuz I have no curls!!!!!!
I struggle so much with my hair. I also have naturally curly hair, which I sometimes leave curly and sometimes blow out straight, but I’m never happy with it. I feel as though it ages me. I’ll have to give the twirling technique a try!
I wonder how the myth started that curly hair is easier than straight. Or that it takes less time. Oh, it was easy when we were five. And that’s only because our Mum’s has to do all the work. I remember whining as Mum washed my heavy long curly hair, then screeching as she combed out the tangled curls. Can’t say I blame her for getting it cut short when I was seven or eight.
P.S. About Visible Monday. Your link-up is the first one I ever participated in, and it’s still my favourite.
Thanks Sue! I forget that your hair is naturally curly because it looks so sleek in your pics. xo
Nice way of curling hair. Thanks for sharing!
thanks for reading, Nistha. xo
If only I could figure out the best thing for my hair—it seems like a constant struggle, but it is what it is…ha ha!!
I like your hair both straight and curly, Jodie – you’ve got great choices. xo
Oh that I had the tiniest bit of your curls!
I had my hair up in hot rollers for my photoshoot yesterday and sprayed it within an inch of it’s life with hairspray. It lasted about 2 hours. Today there is no remnants of curl. My fine bone straight hair will have none of it.
I used to have a spiral perm for ages in the 90’s. It looked awesome but was terrible for my hair.
I will just sit on the sidelines and admire your natural curls.
I LURVE your long straight hair and the brilliant color. xo
Me too…I love Suzanne’s long straight locks. They’re the chic-iest.
I do the same routine as you Patti. Wash my hair a few hours before going to bed. I don t let it hang. I put it together with a elastic ,,thing,,! And put lot s of crème in it!
Agree – lots of hair cream really helps define the curls. Yours are lovely! xo