What I Wore: Slightly Messy, But Full of Fun

Really, I didn’t know until I looked at the pictures that my shirt was hanging crooked! But I still enjoyed the look; it’s a more colorful one than I usually wear for work.

True confessions: I didn’t wear the cute Farylrobin shoes to the office, because they hurt. I do love the style and details though, so I wanted them in the photo.

The shirt is by Izod, recently thrifted for a few dollars. It’s a very nice cotton, and doesn’t need any ironing after machine-drying. Who doesn’t love that? You have no doubt tired of the skirt – it’s an old favorite by Old Navy. I tend to hang on to my favorites and wear them to the point of obsession. Is that wrong?  : >

I am crooked, but not ashamed!
I look very happy for a woman whose feet are crying.
I hope your Friday is full of delightful surprises and little pleasures.
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  1. Boo for squeezy shoes 😀 Two thumbs up for beloved, comfortable skirts!

  2. That skirt is beautiful, and the Farylrobins are still adorable. Sorry they hurt though! Nothing worse than cute shoes that hurt.

  3. Cute outfit and I hear you on the crying dogs–why is it the cuter the shoe the more it hurts?/
    Love the blouse–I recently thrifted 2 Izod blouses and you are right on how well made they are!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. I really love the skirt. The crying feet remind me of one Christmas party, circa 1983, when I was wearing those awful pointy-toe pumps, and they were some synthetic, non-stretchy material so my toes got more cramped, bruised, and blistered by the minute. I was hobbling toward a chair when a coworker's husband stopped to chat, and he kept me standing there for 45 minutes while he talked. I can't imagine the expression on my face during that conversation.

  5. My Friday workday has just started and it already crazy.  I hope it calms down once my guys head off to site ;-).
    Love the shirt and the skirt is absolutely beautiful.
    Have a fabulous day

  6. I can understand why you hang on to the skirt!  As for the blouse, it sounds like an excellent find.  I'm a big fan of button down blouses, but many of mine require an ironing born more often than I like.

  7. very pretty blouse, I love the florals. That skirt is feminine chic, I like the details  along the hem. Nice outfit, pretty enough for the weekend yet still work appropriate


  8. Love this skirt, Patti.  I don't remember it (could be my old age), so it's brand new to me. 🙂  I have shoes like that too… I think they're going to be fine for work, but find out the hard way that's not the case and so they are delegated to maximum 1 hour errands or a sitting dinner out and such.  It's a shame when you really love the shoe, but it doesn't like your foot.

  9. Now do tell.  Was the blouse designed based on those cute shoes you ordered?  Please try to stop by for the latest Trending link up…Think BRIGHT

  10. Don't worry about the crooked shirt, looks like you planned it that way! I hate shoes that hurt. I'll return if unworn or put them in the donation pile faster than you can say "bunion."

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