What I Wore: Simple and Matchy

Hey, we can’t be marvels of creativity and wow-itude every day! Here is a simple and (perhaps overly) coordinated outfit for the office. But I can swear that before my blogging days, there’s no way I would’ve worn a scarf as a belt in a slightly non-matching print! Or blue tights! Or booties!

Hmmm, could have done with a colorful necklace, I now conclude.
Tee: Land’s End Canvas; Skirt: Vintage, thrifted; Booties: Sofft, thrifted.

Do you ever make yourself over long after your picture is posted, and it’s too late to change anything?  : >

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  1. I'm catching up on last week's blog posts. 🙂 I find myself wearing things that I never would have worn pre-blog as well. Fun, isn't it?

  2. You are pulling off a tricky skirt length with great success, as far as I'm concerned.  I love the blue with the black/white check of the skirt.  An adventurous outfit and I might have to steal some of your ideas!!!!

    Love, Jean

  3. That's a great look! The scarf with the skirt is inspired. I don't see it as "overly" coordinated but, rather, twisted just right. I love the box pleats on the skirt.

  4. No need to make yourself over.  The repeat of blue and the scarf as belt look great for the office!  I agree, blogging does enhance creativity!

  5. I love this outfit!!! The skirt is adorable!!
    Yeah I make myself over–the camera doesn't lie. I've learned to use it to weed stuff out!

  6. Patti, I think you look marvelous!  I've noticed that sometimes what looks wonderful in person, can look boring on my blog; especially compared to so many editorial looks we see in the blogosphere!  But while those are pretty to look at, I want to be inspired for real life.  I've never taken a picture for my blog and NOT worn what was pictured.  At the end of the day, I appreciate keep ing it real.  You have such a unique and beautiful style and the booties are your signature!!  Hugs!  Serene

  7.  Sorry to hear about your loss, Terri. My thoughts are with you, for healing.

  8. I love that skirt! I have a grey flannel pleated skirt of similar length and can see the same proportions and swish here — completely comfortable to wear, right? And you look great!

  9. I make myself over ALL the time.  We've had a death in the extended family and I've found myself inexplicably down this week…questioning everything about blogging.  This has happened before.  And I trust that it will pass.  I like the matchiness–and your colorful touches.

  10. I like this coordinated look and the scarf adds such a great touch of character. I do see my outfits so much more objectively when I can look at them in a photo. I will often see how adding or subtracting an accessory or two would have made the outfit better. That is one of the many things I like about blogging – learning what works and what doesn't and having a record of outfits I like and want to remember. 

  11. I change up my outfits after pictures are taken.  Sometimes seeing the outfit on the camera screen makes me change my mind.

  12. I think the coordinating thing goes back to my youth. My Mother made sure everything coordinated to the inth degree. My outfit today was also coordinated. I don't think there is anything at all wrong with that! You look fab in the blue.

  13. I don't make myself over after the pictures are posted, but that's only because I'm at work and can't change stuff.  But, I always notice things I'd like to change which is kind of helpful because I'm prepared for the next time around.

  14. I love this color of blue in the Lands End top….I often am really overcoordinated..I like it!  Looks great on you!

  15. Nothing wrong with "coordinated!" I usually see something I'd remove in WIW shots, rather than something I'd add. Should tell me something… 🙂

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