What I Wore: From The Back Of The Closet, And Turnip Head!

Every season I put a few garments in a shopping bag and stash them in the back of the closet. These are pieces I haven’t decided about keeping vs. donating. They must have some inherent value for me to hold on to them, because I’m a ruthless closet cull-er.

I was happy to find this cute skirt in the “Maybe” bag recently. It’s by Ideology, with a cool Italian(?) street scene and a full silhouette. I think it got to the Maybe bag because it’s challenging to style. So I am up for any suggestions from you fashionistas.

From the back of the closet to the light of day. With Anne Klein wedges and thrifted black blouse.

And, thanks to the fabulous, artistic Melanie of Bag And A Beret, I have a new head! Melanie calls it her Turnip Head, and I shall give her the full name Turnip Tete Cecile of Greenwich Village. Isn’t she splendid?

Other than the fab Turnip Head, do you have any styling suggestions?

 Do you have a Maybe bag or box, too?

Have a remarkable day and stay fabulous,

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  1. Stunning skirt!! Looks like the popular vintage 50s novelty skirts πŸ™‚ A snugger top would do nicely! I love the turnip head!

  2. I do the same thing with the 'back of the closet bag' – I wish I had a skirt like yours in there! I like a chambray shirt tied at the waist too. It'd be so classic and femme.
    Heather Wyancko

  3. I love that skirt! There have already been so many good suggestions! I think the skirt is so wonderful, you could wear a potato sack on top and people would only have eyes for the skirt!

  4. I LOVE this skirt! So 1950's Audrey Hepburn from Roman Holiday. Pair it with ballet flats, a little fitted black cardigan and a small blue or purple neck scarf and then add in an Italian moped to finish the look : )


  5. Turnip tete Cecile is looking lovely in her flouncy skirt! The only thing I would change is maybe a sleeker top and/or a wide black belt.

    I need to redo my "maybe" bag because I keep pulling things out of it. Yet there are things on hangers that i never wear. It's all in a maybe state until I run out of room.

  6. I think it would be really pretty with a fitted white shirt and a denim jacket. I have a "maybe" partial closet (the other half belongs to my son) where I do the same thing. Love the turnip head! Have a great weekend.

  7. If the fabric is soft enough the skirt could be refashioned into a beautiful scarf. Love the pattern.

  8. Slim, fitted crisp white blouse, or acid blue fitted v-neck T-shirt, and the skirt belted at the waist.

  9. I think you've gotten some great suggestions below. This skirt is so on trend and fits you very well. I would love to see a follow up to this and see how else you will style it.

    BTW, I hope you will join me in TBT Fashion link up now on my blog.


  10. I would keep the top simple, since the bottom is such a statement. I like the white button down and chambray suggestions, or even a linen shirt or any number of solid fitted tanks.

  11. It's kind of summery. I like the purple and would try it out with a purple/cream French Navy striped shirt. I think a cropped sillouete would be nice.

  12. glad you approve of the name! : > I hadn't thought of red or pink; that would be fun. xo

  13. I think any number of sleeveless scoop necked knits or a button down fitted blouse would work well. Blazers too, though it's probably a tad warm for that in Florida yet.

  14. NO WAY?! I STALKED THAT EXACT SAME SKIRT ON EBAY. And lost it. I was on a Mad Hunt for vintage city scene skirts and fell in love with yours because my fondest memory of my European vacation was Venice. If you're still undecided, I am seriously making an offer to purchase it from you. Although we're probably not the same size, are we? :/

  15. Haha! I love you in Turnip Tete Cecile of Greenwich Village! Thanks for giving the head an outing on such a fabulous outfit.
    For styling, I think what you have on is great. You could do a fitted red or pink top for something different too.

  16. Well Ms Turnip Tete Cecille. I am loving running shoes with skirts these days. How about that?

  17. Perhaps a crisp white shirt ala Carolina Herrera? I also think the skirt would take on a completely different character with a black ballet slipper, or a sleek pump.(You know me. I'd want to see it with ankle strap D'Orsay pumps which would look so much better on you than on me, anyway,) Or, how about a pair of canvas Keds or Vans or the like and a dark fitted tee? Would espadrilles be too literal?

  18. That skirt would be lovely with a more fitted top, perhaps in a purple to match the color on the skirt and some drop earrings or maybe a scarf.

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