Visible Monday #45: I Pose With Only My Toes

Welcome to Visible Monday #45! If you want to participate, it’s so
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You may remember when I wrote about ordering some very flirty, colorful shoes to spice up my Spring/Summer wardrobe. I had purchased these beauties:

Poetic License “Dear Diary”

But they hurt! And that is a situation up with which I will not put. So back they went, with a few heavy sighs.

Then I found these Sofft sandals, at Nordstroms, for $79.90. You probably already know: Nordie’s offers free shipping both ways, so it’s easy to take a chance on a pair of cute shoes.

And the clouds parted and the sun shone. I really heart these shoes. They’re comfortable, colorful, affordable and Very Visible!

Yes, blue suede shoes!
Can you see how cute the soles are? A shame to scuff them up!
I didn’t feel great this week, so shooting pics of shoes was a relief, aesthetically  : >

Now, let’s see what you’re wearing!!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Any Monday, whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


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  1. Oooh Patti, those blue shoes rock – fun yet sexy and versatile!

  2. Patti nice blue shoes 🙂
    They look so comfortable and I bet they will just be the perfect accessory for adding that punch of color on your outfits.

  3.  I actually like the blue shoes better! Hope you're feeling well soon.

  4. Just came across your blog today!  Fun!  I was just in time to get in on your Monday style post.  Thank you!  Will add you to my blog roll so I can remember to follow your posts. 


  5. Oh! i left a previous comment and it did not show up!
    Well i got on my PC and linked up!
    Love your shoes Patti!

    Ariane xxxx

  6. Hi Patti!

    Oh! I love those blue suede shoes!
    I do not know if i will be able to paricipate this week, so busy
    Next week for sure!

    Ariane xxxx

  7. We must have been on the same wavelength today – I wore blue suede shoes too!

  8. I love these shoes!! They look so comfortable. I need some good wedges for the summer!

  9. Those shoes are too much fun.  I have a pair of brown suede mary janes from that brand…love them!

  10. You made me laugh with your post title. Those are lovely, lovely shoes, down to the soles! I can't wait to see you style them in future outfit posts.

    Hope you're feeling better!

  11. you need to just sit somewhere with your feet up so people can see the adorable soles on those shoes!!
    love the color

  12. Shoes can make us sooo visible .It's the no1 accessorie.Those blue are great! I can see you bying more colored shoes.

  13.  aww, thanks Anne! but props to W. Churchill, who is credited with the phrase, although may not have ever said it!  : >

  14. Very cute shoes, Patti: perfect for Visible Monday. And if I didn't have enough reasons to adore you already, your use of "up with which I will not put" would have done the trick!

  15. oh…lovely shoes. I like the pretty whimsical look of the Dear Diary shoes and the pretty suede blue sandals, the floral design is really cute. Hope to see your fabulous outfit post next week! 


  16. I experienced your pain in having to return those incredible shoes, but I QUICKLY recovered when I saw your Plan B! I'm rethinking my previous comment on your post with the walking shorts. That photo could totally be you in these sizzling shoes.

  17. The sandals are stunning – one of my favorite colors.  Great to find shoes that are chic and comfortable!  Waiting for the outfit!

  18. Patti, fantastic shoes!!! Excellent purchase! Thanks for sharing all your blog friends on Mondays!

  19. I love Sofft shoes!! I'm really glad you found some comfy shoes. That's number one on my priorities list. :]

    And that color is just GORGEOUS. Absolutely amazing.

  20. Very pretty Patti! 
    I've owned a few pair of Soffts in the past, they are one of the most comfy shoes out there.  Love the color!

  21. WOW–Are they super cute!!!  They look so summery-yet they will jazz up a basic black outfit! I may have to check them out on nordstoms site!

  22. I have thrifted several pair of Soft brand shoes and I agree that they are very comfortable.  It's a shame about the ones you had to send back.

  23. Such great shoes! I love the color. I know you are going to put together some fun looks with them this summer. 

  24. The soles are so cute! They remind me of Camper shoes – a Spanish brand that also adorns the soles of their shoes.

  25. I cannot express in writing just how  much I love those blue shoes!!  Great look!

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