Visible Monday #32: A Signature Look

Welcome to Visible Monday #32! If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the simple how-to.

This is a “signature” look for me, I think: neutrals, medium size prints and accessories, shoes with some personality, and total comfort. There’s nothing too tight, stiff or stuffy. I’m covered, but my feminine form is still visible. I think a twenty-something or sixty-something can wear these pieces, or a version of them, so I feel like neither mutton nor lamb!  : >

The sweater is from Banana Republic, the skirt is thrifted, originally from H and M, and the booties are by Tsubo. The necklace has a little story: I bought it at an antique store for $24. Good price, right? Well, it was actually $14, but I broke a lamp ($10) while reaching for the necklace, so the price went up. Still, a good value.

These Tsubo booties are becoming favorites. They have lime green lining.

I can’t wait to see what you are wearing today!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Any Monday, whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


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  1. That skirt is really fabulous. And definitely ageless. I think anyone could wear this outfit at any age, shape or size and look so chic. I love the touch of "Patti" uniqueness in the booties though. ;D

  2. Priceless!  I love the whole outfit, especially the skirt!
    We all have our own sense of style but learn and grow from each other!  I love blogging!!!!!
    Stop by new trending link is up and running:)

  3. You are inspiring me to keep my eyes open for booties during my travels and you look fabulous in the pencil skirt.  

  4. Well I guess it's good that you didn't break a $50 lamp! 🙂 I love that skirt with the red and brown accessories–this is such a chic, timeless look! 

  5. I have such a soft spot for animal prints and I love how you have blended the blacks in the print with the soft browns of your beads, bracelet and booties. My favourite thing, though, is that your booties have LIME GREEN lining. Yowza. As always, you look elegant with an edge.

  6. Patti, I actually have a similar skirt and love mine. You look classy as usual but with a bit of oomph! Wonderful look!

  7. If it weren't for this event, I would have been the most boring paralegal in America today 😛 Love your necklace, and love seeing the other participants! Added more style blogs to my RSS feed reader!

  8. Patti, love your skirt and necklace! They are perfect together! Thank you for hosting the party.

  9. Your shopping story makes me think of the Family Guy where there was a bull in a china shop and a golf ball comes through the window and breaks everything in the place. The bull's like "It's not what it looks like!" 😀

  10. I love the skirt. This is one of those fun buisness casual looks that I think can be really hard to put together. You still look professional, but your personality shines though.

  11. Call me in!
    No time for a monday-blues with Visible Monday.

    The matching bangle/booties look perfectly relaxé, effortless and stylish on you.

  12. Gosh I love your skirt, Patti (animal print hits the mark every time!!) and the necklace is beautiful – what a shame about the breakage though :(. But as you said, still a bargain!

    Catherine x

  13. Well, I always love a bit of leopard print to this outfit works for me!
    Shame about the lamp mishap…

  14. Happy Monday! I love the red with the leopard print skirt. I'm enjoying my own leopard print skirt very much. It's surprisingly versatile!

  15. The skirt looks great and you're right that it IS a look that a woman of any age could wear.  Yikes, I'll bet you were mortified when the lamp broke!

  16. You look adorable! A while back I was thinking about what my style could be described as and "happy" is the one word that captures it all. I'll try to get around to participating when I have a little time, I like seeing what others are doing.

    🙂 f

  17. Hi Patti!

    Love the leopard skin skirt!
    I can not get myself to buy one, but looks super good on gorgeous slim figure!


  18. I think I have those very same Tsubo booties. I had a black pair of Tsubos I wore so much I had to throw them away. They were so comfortable. 

    I think your outfit is so current and classic. You are right – anyone from 20 to 60 and beyond could wear this look. 

    Funny story about your necklace. Still a great price – even with the broken lamp. 

    I am working on my VM post right now…while my husband and FIL watch Super Bowl. I hope your Giants win! That's who I am rooting for. 

    xo, Adrienne 

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