Visible Monday #125: My Favorite Tutu

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I read in one of those do-and-don’t lists that tulle skirts were a Big No for women of a certain age. Showing my deepest respect for the Sheriffs of Style, here I am wearing my favorite tulle skirt, a black H & M one I bought via eBay several years ago (similars).

I do stay on the work-appropriate side of the tracks by wearing my tulle skirt with a sedate taupe sweater (ASOS) and dark tights. The lovely rose pendant is from Bella’s Etsy shop, as is the red flower ring. I like to bust out at the shoe level, with funky Cydwoq booties.

So, tulle: it’s not just for dance recitals anymore.

A guitar hat for any occasion.
I think I paid $6 for the skirt, so the cost-per-wear is about zero,
compared to the cost of lattes.

Now, let’s see what you’re wearing, Visible Women!!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post. Please leave a comment, too, so we know you had a good time.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
  4. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!

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  1. Age-appropriate! How laughable. You look incredible. Magazines just don't understand than anyone can wear anything with the right styling.

  2. PAtti I love your tutu and I love that you don't care what age they say is acceptable for a tutu. You look fabulous !

    Xoxo ,

  3. I wish I have some tulle in my closet! I made a tutu last year for a 5k fun run I did but other than that, I have none.

    I adore your boots, are the gold design stitched on the shoes?

  4. You look great Patti! I love the necklace 🙂 thank you for hosting! Hugs, Beata xxx

  5. Bravo, Patti! Wear what you love, and it will show! You look beautiful and lovely in your skirt! Thank you for hosting this amazing link-up. All the ladies are stylish and amazing here!

  6. You look divine, Patti! Love me some tutu, and you haz it! Very cool and elegant look, without a bit of silly. Fun at any age! I'm in rebellious mood too, so Up the Rebels!
    Thanks for hosting yet again, and for all the fun!

  7. Patti,
    Your tutu is gorgeous and suits you so well. I'm jealous! And I love the edgy way you styled it with the plain gray sweater. I have to say, though, that my eyes can't get used to seeing an oversized top over a full skirt, especially on petite Patti. I personally would like to see you wearing it with a more fitted top, or perhaps the one you're wearing but belted, something with a big, ornate, isn't she wonderful buckle. If I were "putting you together" (and I can imagine your saying, "And thank God she's not!), I would add a scarf tied dashingly around your neck (think Isadora Duncan here) or a statement necklace, perhaps some bangles.
    Gee, I'm waxing grandiloquently here, am I not? You'd think I know what I'm talking about!
    Anyway, love your blog. Always look forward to reading it, along with the comments.

  8. Good on you Patti! You look lovely in your tutu. I think you already know what I think of tulle being out of bounds – sorry Sheriff's of Style – I'm with Patti all the way on this one.

  9. I am going to will my guitar hat to you, Curtise, because I know you will appreciate it. xox.

  10. I should def check the Guardian before I dress every morning. God forbid I am "out"! xox

  11. Loving the neutrals on you. The necklace & boots are fab. And Congrats on 125 Visible Mondays – that's great. And OMG I almost forgot to link up though I had that post ready since early Saturday. I know you will welcome my late arrival to the party. I got lots of goodies to show you from my shopping, many visible pieces hahaha. <3 Ada.

  12. You are right… very funky shoes. I can be so jealous of you women who find them and wear them. I always stay in my safe corner as far as shoes are concerned.

  13. Nothing like reading that something's a big no to make me want to wear it. The Guardian reckon enormous hair buns are out so guess what I'm wearing today? You look fab in your tutu and shoes with attitude. xxx

  14. Oh my cuteness, Patti! First of all – YOUR HAIR!!! It looks amazing and I can totally see the Karlie Kloss cut. Words cannot express how perfectly gorgeous and flattering this looks on you! And yeah, a tulle skirt is always a good idea in my book. You wear it beautifully 🙂

  15. I love it! And now I want one, too.
    The Sheriffs of Style should probably use their inside voices more often – I, frankly, am beyond tired of being told what I can, should and ought to wear for my age.

  16. What a fun, fun meme. This was first time to link up and I'll definitely be joining up again. Thanks for hosting!

  17. Your tulle skirt is amazing. I don't like such lists… it's all relative and depends fon the woman who wearing it.
    Have a nice new week 🙂

  18. I love your tulle skirt and the way you styled it. It really suits you!

  19. Your tulle skirt paired with the taupe and your great boots, looks both elegant and edgy,.Lists not important, its how you feel,regardless of age.

  20. What a pretty skirt! Your look amazing in it. Too bad, I don't look like a ballerina anymore 🙂 I used to be so skinny, you wouldn't believe 🙂

  21. Squeee! I love your tulle skirt…just enough froth for femininity, but still some edge. The addition of the Cydwoq booties…pure Patti! Have a great week Patti, and thanks so much for hosting Visible Monday!

  22. I like how you styled your tulle skirt, Patti, – elegant and chic. I don't understand why "women of a certain age" should not wear such skirts if they look gorgeous in them.

  23. I too bought a tulle tutu from Ebay, but mine is sitting unworn in my closet. I think my mistake was the color- peach. And the shape just isn't flattering on me. Your black one looks fabulous though. Thanks for hosting.

  24. You look wonderful. A lot of times tutus can look too twee for my tastes, but this is wonderful.

  25. I have a similar skirt bought at Zara a couple of years ago and wear it in a very similar way ! I hate it when they say women of a certain age cannot wear something…it depends on how we style it ! I like tutu skirts and you look wonderful, Patti ! Thanks for hosting visible monday once again. Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies

  26. Did you get your hair cut? It looks fuller here. Or is it the shorter bangs?

    Love the tulle and the boots. I need a close-up on the boots to see all the details better.


  27. Patti, it's just shocking how you flout the style RULES. And a woman of your age, too. I just don't know how you do it, but you're the one who RULES!

  28. I love that materials like tulle and sequins and velvet, once reserved for Very Special Occasions™ are now perfectly reasonable daywear. The simple styling you've done here is perfect!

  29. Big No? Big "Thanks, But I'll Wear What I Like"! Honestly, whatever is the problem with a pretty tulle skirt? You look gorgeous in it, loving the funky boots and the pendant too. And a guitar hat goes with everything, at any age!
    As always, you are a more than generous hostess, thank you, Patti. xxx

  30. I think your skirt is awesome and I'm glad you aren't listening to advise that doesn't work for you! But the real show-stoppers for me are the Cydwoqs…they are some of the most wonderful shoes on the planet!!!

  31. Throw out the list of do's and don't for sure! You look fun and youthful in this spunky outfit, love it. I like the touch of red in the pendant and great details in your cool boots.

    blue hue wonderland

  32. Patti, thank you for your kind comment – you are so dear. Eh, do-and-don't lists are bad for the mojo! Fie on fear-based conforming and behaving and especially all that "age-appropriate" nonsense. You are all ethereal beauty in tulle, it's gorgeous on you, and I like how you've grounded it as you describe. The excellent boots and bit of red in your pendant are stellar.

  33. I have a skirt that looks almost identical to yours. Of course, I don't look as good as you do in it, but I wear it nonetheless. It's all bout how you wear it, and you wear it well! 😉


  34. I love how you wear your tutu–very classy and elegant!!

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