“There Goes (You), (You’re) So _______”

I read this tidbit in one of my many vintage fashion/style books, can’t recall which one (sorry, Author). To help determine your personal style, complete this sentence with as many adjectives as you like:

“There goes (you), (you’re) so __________ .”

For example, “There goes Susan, she’s so polished and pulled together.”

Susan of Fifty Not Frumpy

“There goes Melanie, she’s so artistic and playful.”

Melanie of Bag and a Beret

“There goes Bella, she’s so funky, cool and retro.”

Bella of The Citizen Rosebud

And etc. Please don’t let my examples define you, dear readers! I’d love to hear from you, how you’d finish this sentence about yourselves. Here’s how I finished the sentence for moi-meme:

“There goes Patti, she’s so modern and feminine”, or ” . . . she’s so ladylike with a tiger inside.”

How about you? ☺

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  1. Thanks so much for including me in the post Patti. My style has been evolving over the past year. I am happy to be a little less buttoned up these days. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love all the answers people have posted! Here's min: "there goes Sheila – she's so colourful, funky and awesome!"

  3. Great post, Patti. I would like to think people would say, "There goes Trina, she's so put together, with such a happy, positive and friendly outlook on life."

  4. I love the ladylike tiger, Patti!
    Hmmm… Mine might be "There goes Curtise; she looks a bit bonkers but she's got style. And balls." xxxxx

  5. I love yours!

    For me it would be – There goes Melanie, she's so confident. At least that is what I really want to be able to pull off.

  6. When someone says, "I've always wanted to tell you this, ______" you should close your ears because it's likely something best left unsaid.

  7. Yes, a tiger inside! So cool. I think I'd say, There goes Val. She's so funny and cute. At least that's what I HOPE people say

  8. This is my statement: "There goes Jenny, she's so conservative, drab and plain…"

    Oh, dear!!!

    But THAT is exactly why I'm reading a few well-chosen fashion blogs now 🙂 And recently bought some tops that were just a bit less drab and "safe" …

  9. What a cool way to think of it. I think, "There goes Megan, She's so badass" or "She's so fucking awesome." I don't know that I have a personal style objective, except for the desire to feel and be amazing.

  10. What a sweet idea. I would really have to think about it though. Thanks for the prompt, Tiger Lady! x

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