Scenes from a Love Affair (with NYC)

We’re back from our short stay in the Big City. We attended some pretty science-y lectures at the World Science Festival and got smarter. (The New York Times covered a couple of them here). As usual, I was all gaga and melt-y about being in my favorite joint. So let me drag out the projector and tell you all about the trip!

Kidding! Here’s just a few snaps of the joyful journey:

View from hotel window! Unfortunate story involving hot tub, see below.

The view was fantastic! Unfortunately the room was as big as, maybe, my bathroom? OK, that’s New York. There was a near-constant party happening on the adjacent rooftop, the one with the hot tub. A loud party. Till 5:30 AM. Including some hot sex in the hot tub. We were not invited. We did call our hotel’s front desk several times, and our security guy did try to intervene but with no success.

There was a wonderful Adopt Me event in Washington Square Park. Some City and County animal shelters took part and many beautiful animals were brought out for adoption. They all looked very happy to be there and I hope lots of them got good homes that day.

Speaking of the four-legged beasties, we got to see and spoil our favorite Greenwich Village cat. Her name is Mischa, and she lives mostly in a shop on Thompson Street called “The Little Lebowski”. (Don’t worry, she has a full-time caretaker who also loves her dearly). Yes, the Lebowski sells all things related to the cult classic movie. Mischa is a sweet kitty and loves to get petted all day.

And to the shopping! Here’s a pic of my favorite vintage/thrift store in the Village, Monk’s on MacDougal Street. As you can see, they are jammed with goodies and you have to have patience to sort through the racks. But there are treasures, and the prices are good. I scored a couple of sweet blouses for under $12 each. Their collection of vintage 70’s skirts is fantastic. I’ll have more thrifting stories in future posts.

It was a wonderful getaway, and it’s always good to be home, to my kitties and other delicious comforts. Oh, and my neighbors may have a hot tub but we haven’t caught them yet in any early morning revelries  : >  Any good (?) hotel stories you want to share?

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  1. Pam – wouldn't it be fun to meet in NYC for a shopping spree? : >

    Terri – I am so over hot tubs now, and prob. forever.

    Anne – yes, vintage shopping is such a blast, even in a small town/city – you never know what will turn up.

    Paula – OK, girl, now you have to tell us a hotel story. : >

    Ann – Thanks for reading! It is a great city to wander in, isn't it?

  2. I used to live outside NYC and take the train in to just wander. I LOVE that city. I haven't been in almost 5 years. I miss it.
    Glad you were able to enjoy your time there. Sounds like you had fun in the village.

  3. I would love to go vintage shopping in NY! Eventhough I live fairly close, I never seem to get there for shopping! I have lots of hotel stories…another day…

  4. I've experienced the small-room phenomenon in NYC hotels, but never the…. uh…. involuntary porn. Glad you had a good trip! I seriously want to go vintage shopping now.

  5. Looking forward to seeing your vintage finds. It looks like a cool place. Frankly hot tubs don't really do much for my libido. 😉

  6. The vintage store looks like so much fun..I have never seen that one!! Thanks for all of your great comments on my blog…it is nice to find a fellow NYC lover!!

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