Off to the City of My Dreams!

We’re leaving tomorrow for a short trip to New York City. I have such a love affair with that place. I grew up in northern New Jersey, but only ventured across the Hudson with my parents for the Christmas Show at Radio City Music Hall and the very occasional Broadway show.  My date for my Senior Prom took me to Manhattan and we saw “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” starring “Bobby” Morse. How shocked I was to see him recently on Mad Men, looking about 80 years old . . . impossible!

Where was I? Oh, now that I’m grown and have a checkbook of my own, we’ve been visiting there at least twice a year. This trip is for the World Science Festival at NYU. Geeks from around the world meet and discuss heady science topics. Well, OK, darling husband will be doing a wee bit more of that than I will.

NOT shopping here . . .

My agenda includes a few heady lectures and a lot of window shopping, thrifting and vintage hunting. I’ve mapped out my favorite stores and planned my routes. There will be stops for coffee, cupcakes, an overpriced drink at the Plaza Hotel and maybe a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

As always, I will be slightly light-headed, because when I am in my Dream City, I am truly ageless. Not young again, but not pinned down to any point in time. Just floating through metropolis, feeling like anything is possible.

Some of you are thinking: “I hate that place!” Crowded, smelly, noisy, rude. That’s OK, I understand. I love it anyway. Tell me about a city that you love, that leaves you breathless.

(Visited 105 times, 1 visits today)



  1. Terri – I didn't see Ari, that would have been a blast!

    Paula, intoxicating is a good word. And I did have a few glasses of wine too : >

    Pam, constant visits would be ideal, wouldn't they? Need more $$$$$$ : >

    Biscuitsmom- thanks for reading! So cool that you dream about the city.

    Camomile – you have been to such fabulous places! Have fun in NYC.

    Emilija – thanks for reading! I couldn't get to your blog – please post again? I'd love to see it.

  2. Venice is my (current) favourite travel place, but I have been known to swing from Paris to Venice to Florence….

    My most favourite place is my hometown of Melbourne (Australia)…great to leave, but always much better to return to…

    New York! New York. My first ever trip is coming up in 4 weeks.


  3. Midtown Manhattan is my favorite place on Earth…even though its been 10 years since I was there, it still pops up in my dreams monthly…was there 5 times and treasure the memories….SO envy you! biscuitsmom (ylf)

  4. I fell in love with NYC in my 20s and that feeling has never left me! I would go there in a heartbeat if I could…not to move there…but constant visits would be wonderful!! I will always smile with I think of New York!

  5. so true about NY. I have friends who just love it, and my son, who lived there for a summer, absolutly hates it. Its a love or hate thing. I understand how you can loose yourself there tho–it is intoxicating.

  6. Oh, I wish I could explore with you! It has been over 30 years since I was in Manhattan last. Have fun and perhaps you will be "discovered" by Ari from "Advanced Style."

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