On The Road! and Visible Monday Reminder

We’re leaving tomorrow for New York City and a two week vacation, lucky devils us. We’ll be staying in Soho for two days, then the West Village. Lots of exploration, eating, drinking and street style-stalking is on the agenda. My posting will be less frequent for the next two weeks, but I will be reading all your fab blog posts, whilst I sip a coffee at Joe. ☺


This weekend we are ON for Visible Monday! The link-up will go live Sunday evening at about 5PM Eastern Standard Time.

We’ll party on through Monday. I may not get to comment on all your wonderful posts this week, as my computing ability is more limited in NYC, but I will read them all (Sandy needs the “real” computer for work, of all things ☺). Please join us with your fabulous Visibility!

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  1. Have a wonderful trip, Patti…I just talked to my daughter, who is just finishing up a two week honeymoon in NY…so jealous!

  2. Have a great trip Patti! I am hoping to be Visible on Monday – it's an early start so hopefully I will get in before it closes on Monday evening ! Xxx

  3. I am so jealous you get to go often to NYC…I love your posts from there. Have a wonderful trip Patti and enjoy each moment.

  4. Have a wonderful time in the Big Apple. You're in my neck of the woods now. New York is soooo beautiful in the fall. We spend a lot of time there during opera season, which started the end of last month. Please let me know if you'd like some restaurant tips. I love sharing my favorite places.

  5. I'm determined not to miss VM this time, so I'll be there!

    SOOOOO envious of your New York trip, I know you will have a wonderful time. Take a ton of pics!

    PS. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment on my last post, Patti – I was a bit nervous that people wouldn't get what I was saying or would be upset by it, so it means a lot to know you understand. xxxx

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