Better With A Scarf: Fab Over-40 Women Show How


If you’re over 25, you’ve no doubt read that a scarf is an outfit-maker. We women of a certain age have been told for decades to own a few good scarves: use them to add color and personality to our outfits, tie one in our hair or around our waist, or purse, and be more French. I’m using a huge scarf right now to stay warm while I type (yeah, it went below 70 degrees today).

Many of us have used scarves in just a few familiar ways; others are wildly creative. I would tie one in a bow under my collar when I worked in the business world, yawn.


Yes, I went there. Not as stylishly as this young woman though.

There are lots of tutorials all over the web on how to tie scarves creatively. You could spend days watching them. Here’s a modern one I’ve enjoyed, except for the dreadful copyright-free music.

I also used to accumulate scarves like mad, when I first discovered second-hand shopping. I may have gone too far. Recently I did a major scarf purge and donated a dozen to the Molly Mutt Thrift. I’ve found I wear my favorites over and over (like shoes, bags, and jeans), so I don’t need to own a shop-full.

And as always, you’ll find an inspirational variety of scarf-wearing on the over-40 women of Visible Monday:

Blanket the subject: Jaymie of Jaymie Ashcraft  is wearing one of my favorite looks – a checked blanket scarf, draped in front in chic cowboy style. The colors light up her whole look. And yes, she’s over 40, though it’s hard to believe.


Unify your outfit colors, and stay warm: Susan of High Heels In The Wilderness looks ready for the weather in the most stylish way. Her cheery wool scarf picks up the colors in her outfit and it’s the best neck-warmer.


Experiment with different techniques: Suzanne of Ask Suzanne Bell asked her readers to choose their favorite between the two scarf styles – long drapey wrap or smart and sassy neck tie. Two winners, I say.


Brighten a neutral look with a colorful scarf: Tiina of Elegance Revisited added a brilliant floral scarf, tied a la Francaise, to make her whole look more cheerful. Love the gloves and bag in harmonious colors.

olive winter coat

Stay fabulous, wear what you love every day, and enjoy every sandwich, xo


Some swoon-worthy scarves to browse:

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  1. Loved the video. Several of those tying ideas were very intriguing. I may pin it!

    • I know, right? I do remember playing with my grandmother’s scarves when I was a tot. xox

  2. I’m accumulating second hand scarves like crazy too, but use my favourites again and again. I’m not very creative with them, though, and often have no idea how to tie them properly. Those tutorial videos are great, I should take the time and watch a couple of them … xxx

    • I know, they’re so pretty and easy to store, and still I always wear my four favorites. xox

  3. Can I admit that I still hoard scarves when I thrift?! My favorite shop has their sale tickets 75% off on Saturdays and I often get them for less than $1! Resistance is futile!

  4. I love the idea of wearing a scarf, in fact I own at least 20, but I do struggle to wear them with true panache like some of the ladies above. Maybe I need to scroll back and take a look at that video…

    Wishing you a lovely week!
    Anna x

  5. That video was really interesting. I must go and try out some of those suggestions before I forget.

    As an avid thrifter I am also a sucker for buying scarves. There are so many great ones at thrift stores.


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