Oh Yes I Did: Wore This Skirt Three Times In A Week

I’ve been known to repeat an outfit twice in a week, just because I like it and it feels good. And as we all know by now, nobody remembers what we wore yesterday!

Last week I wore a skirt three times, and was not critiqued, arrested, or accosted in any way. My skirt isn’t this one exactly, but it’s thisclose: a mostly-blue cotton skirt, vintage 1950’s, and very full. It’s a lot of fun to wear.

This skirt is available on Etsy now for only $20 (small waist, though).

The skirt made appearances with:

A chambray shirt, a black tee, and a drapey ivory tank.

And for accompaniment:

A scarf or two for color/pattern, and fab low-heeled sandals, or blue suede wedges.

Are you an outfit-repeater too?

See you later at Visible Monday, and stay fabulous,

Friendly reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday at around 5PM. Be there for the visible good times!

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  1. I double and triple wear things, too! What can I say?? I wear my faves!

  2. Yes, I'm a repeater espeically when I can take one item and make three or four completely different combinations and outfits with it. Looks like you accomplished this task perfectly. I really do think you need to do a post showing these combo's. Byt eh way, is that one of Bella's? If it is and in a small I'm grabbing it>

  3. That's one pretty skirt! I can wear the same things over and over again when I'm travelling but at home, no! I've far too much to choose from and I like it that way! x

  4. Well, I definitely think we need to see your skirt, Patti! I think you would rock a 50s full skirt like this – show us, show us!
    I am not much of a repeater. I do wear the same outfits/combinations, but rarely on consecutive days or in the same week. I suppose I like variety, and have plenty of clothes which I really enjoy wearing, so I like to give them all a whirl! xxxx

  5. Love the blue skirt. And full skirts are so big this year! I have a brown/pink/blue (sounds gross but is really very pretty) full skirt from about 6 or 7 years ago that I have hauled out this year again. I have seen the same style of skirt in Vogue and on Netaporter.com. I LOVE it when that happens!

  6. I am definitely an outfit repeater but more likely to repeat it the following week. I find myself completely torn as to whether or not I want the fun of lots of clothes or the simplicity of a few things I know work and I can repeat. I remember a young and elegant prof I had at university. As far as her work clothes went she had five outfits, which she just repeated in different order every week. They were nice items and I remember that although I did notice she had very few things, I also noticed how great they looked. I suspect they were expensive. I never noticed her shoes, and probably couldn't see them from where I sat.

  7. I often wear the exact same outfit twice, even three times a week, especially if it is a busy week. But it doesn't matter as I go to a different place every day, I only see the same set of people once a week normally… I just have to make sure I wear something totally different the following week.

  8. ha – dirndl skirt!

    i use to wear the same skirt for almost a week – if i don´t make a stain on – with different tops. and mostly dirndl skirts because they are very comfy and i can bike in. and they fit the environment 🙂


  9. I have items in my closet that I wear over and over, but usually I mix them up in different ways – I don't think I've ever worn the exact same outfit twice. My colleagues and friends do notice and comment on what I'm wearing, to the point where someone has said to me that they were disappointed because "you look like a normal person today", which I thought was kind of weird…

  10. Such skirt is a part of German Native Costume… any woman wear that at Oktoberfest or Folk Festival… But such things are not for all people popular here … I wear sometimes as a break in style such elements. But not serious.
    If I lived in USA, maybe I would find it great (?)
    Have a nice Sunday 🙂

  11. Very nice skirt! I bet you looked fab. I've been thinking recently of an excellent beige, blue and gold patterned full skirt that I used to have. It'd be just the thing this season. Oh well, when the money returns, I'll hunt out something similar.

  12. I used to have only enough outfits for about 10 days, and it never bothered me. Now I try to be more creative, but I wore my leopard-print cardi three times in one week not so long ago. As you said, no one else really remembers what you wear. If they do, so what?

  13. Definitely an outfit repeater this week. We had unseasonably warm temperatures, and I'm still getting my summer wardrobe sorted out. So I went with what worked. Pretty skirt!

  14. Patti .. what fun that skirt is! would love to see you in yours and how you changed it up. Yes, I repeat – especially when I'm at our country home – no sees me and the doggies are ok with whatever I'm wearing… happy week-end, Celia M. (HHL)

  15. Lol! My husband cannot tell you what I'm wearing unless he's looking right at me : >

  16. Yep, I definitely repeat outfits during the week – when I find something I like, I tend to stick with it. I live in a house of men, so nobody notices anyway :).

  17. I'd love to see those outfits! I'm not so much anymore, but I did a lot of repeating during my 30 for 30 for 12 Wardrobe Challenge. I liked it, but I really love variety in my clothes…I'm a collector!

  18. Ha! I've definitely done twice, not sure about thrice in a week. I work in three different offices, so I figure no one else is in all those offices to notice. Beautiful looks, I would
    love to see them on you as well.

  19. Yes, it's amazing how few clothes we really need. I'm pretty sure I could wear the same few outfits over and over and not a single person would notice. It makes me feel a little stupid for all the stuff I have.

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