How Not To Do A SmartPhone Pic (Ack!)

I just got my first SmartPhone, woo-hoo! It’s an iPhone 5c, very cool indeed, and much smarter than I with regard to texting, messaging, internet-ing and apparently, photographing. So far, I have mostly used it to text my sister back and forth about baseball playoffs. A pricey little smoke-signal!

Here is my first selfie on my iPhone, and I have to master at least the following techniques before National Geographic calls me with an offer:

  • De-clutter background.
  • Find a mirror that isn’t beveled right in the middle of the outfit.
  • Adjust lighting.
  • Adjust curtains.
  • Sharpen focus.
  • Cat can stay in the picture. Hey Skinny G!

How long did it take you SmartPhone smarties to master the photography? I need to learn quickly, because we leave for NYC in nine days.

Hope your October weekend is beautiful!

Visible Monday is on its “off” week this coming weekend, so we can recharge and refresh. ☺ We’ll be back on Monday, October 21st (actually, the Sunday evening

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  1. Good luck Patti – I'm so hopeless at selfies … some people really have the knack for pulling them off.

    My pet peeves in photographs is cluttered backgrounds – and unmade beds … lol – that's one of the reasons I don't do mirror selfies of myself.

    I do love that I can whip out a quick blog post with my smartphone but do find I go back and edit it when I get to the laptop. But they're awesome! I was crying everyday when my screen cracked that Graeme paid almost $200 for me to get a new one.

    Always love visiting your blog


    Sassy Style

  2. This post made me giggle. I am useless at phone selfies, and get quite self conscious about taking them to be honest! Hey now you do have a smart phone, you could join up with instagram (another social media addiction)

  3. I love my iphone and cant wait for an app so I can blog directly from my phone! (all the ones out there now are lousy!) I also take the selfies; there is a knack to them that I havent quite figured out. There is always clutter in my background! xoxo

  4. Well, I love my smart phone for every kind of picture except selfie's, just can't seem to master that one. I think It's just easier to hand it over to hubby or a friend for those shots. I do enjoy all the fun apps that are available for picture editing.

  5. Have fun with your new iphone! I don't take to many iphone selfies because I do not have a full length mirror with good lighting at home. I do take selfies with the phone looking down at my outfit if that make sense. When I do, it's usually at store's dressing room. One thing I do love is using all the picture apps and posting to Instagram. I am addicted to it!


  6. I think you look great – you just mastered the first selfie shot (the sans makeup shot, haha!) Once you take a few, you'll get the hang of it – very quickly I'm sure! And lucky you to have the new phone! ENJOY.

  7. I still haven't mastered it with a real camera and not a phone camera. Love the shirt… spill, where did you get it!

  8. Hi Patti!! You must be excited about your trip to NY!! I've been yearning for one myself. I look forward to hearing about your take on style there. Good luck with your picture taking. I'm sure you'll be fine. πŸ™‚ Love the look you're wearing here, with the sleeves turned back just so!! XXOO

  9. I don't use my phone for any pictures which include me…that's my own rule! Have a great weekend, Patti!

  10. I am absolutely NO help here, Patti, I just use my camera and am not so keen on the whole "selfie in the mirror" thing. I know, such a curmudgeon! Why not just get your darling husband to take your pic? Or am I just horribly old-fashioned?
    Anyway – elegant outfit, adorable cat, and Posh New Phone! Have a lovely weekend! xxxx

  11. Very cute outfit Patti! I started my blog with iphone photos becase we didnt have a proper camera, you can take amazing pictures with that little thing , i am always amazed when i browse instagram feed and see how profesional some photos look!

    Enjoy your weekend! xxx


  12. You can try turning the camera around, so that you are looking at the reflection of the screen in the mirror so you can line up a shot of yourself. Unfortunately can't get a full body shot that way.

    Otherwise I'd say back up until you can see your entire body in the preview on the screen, hold the phone still, look up and smile at your reflection! (I'm no good at these things, either.

  13. I have had a smartphone since they first hit the market several years ago and I still can't take a decent outfit shot though I have done pretty well with head shots. Have fun with your new toy! Great choice on the color, by the way.

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