It’s All Gray, But It Feels Great: Visible Monday

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It’s all gray, but it feels great. Last week I was super-colorful and boho (or “old hippie”). Today I’m all about the monochrome, in all-gray, and feeling good.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

This look is casual enough for my easy Florida life, at least 95% of it. If I need to look more polished I could swap out the stretch skirt for a slim woven pencil, and the open toe shoes for Chelsea-style booties. The scarf is a special one to me, with Bill Cunningham all over it.

The silver hair is via the Sweet Talk wig by Gabor. Fab lace up shoes are by Sofft.

The top is my favorite piece here – it’s by Kate Spade Saturday (now defunct) and it’s a super thick cotton blend with structure. I found it at my Greenwich Village Goodwill for $12, a good deal. The skirt is c/o pRana, an ethically-sourced green clothing line I think you would love.

Since I dressed conservatively, I had the urge to get my dance on. Always have a surprise at the ready.

Are you mono or rainbow today? Show us in the link-up.

Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and wear what you love, xo

Browse these cool pieces:

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    • Thank you Rama! I loved your post about how to up-do your hair for a workout, and your hair is gorgeous, xox.

    • thanks Cherie! You look cozy and chic in your layers today; I hope Peanut keeps you warm, xox.

    • thanks Amber, and I appreciate you linking up! Love that pale leopard sweater, very cool. xox

  1. I love you organically grown skirt and that colorful scarf is just the right accent. You look comfortable and chic. Today I am monochrome as well, with camouflage pants and a cream cashmere sweater!
    Love your happy vibe and that wig !

    • thank you, Elle, and you look gorgeous today! And thanks for linking up and being fabulous, xox

  2. That skirt is perfect – the perfect amount of casual seams but a perfect fit. That it is comfortable makes is a no-brainer. Sad that we cant go look it up and get one 🙂

    • Thank you Suzanne! You have been a great inspiration to wear my hair, whether it grows out of my head or not. Love your post today about fast fashion, xox.

    • Same back to you, Andrea! I enjoyed reading about your Harry Potter family adventure, xox.

  3. Isn’t it the best when we can do every colour and every neutral, whenever we want? I have been playing with neutrals more lately, but I’m never without a bit of colour (even if it’s just my hair!).

    Thanks so much for hosting, Patti!

    • Your hair is looking awesome, I like it long (and short too). Thanks for linking up and stay fabulous, xox.

  4. You can never go wrong wearing grey which I totally love Patti. And the hair is fabulous. Lots of love to FL from sunny Frankfurt watching your nail-biting recount 😉 xo Sabina

    • Thanks Ann! How I wish I could join you on one of your weekend jaunts to the vintage fairs : > xox.

    • thank you Jess! Your new romantic red necklace is all that and more, really lovely, xox.

  5. Dance on Lovely Lady!!!! Good buy on the Kate Spade. You look gorgeous. Thanks so much for hosting once again and have a great week.

    • Thanks Charlie! Your post today is soooo funny, true, and insightful. We all seem to care about the shape of these bodies we carry around. xox

  6. What a fabulous scarf -really picks up your outfit, I’m styling an outfit around a scarf today, hope you’ll stop by. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Thank you Jacqui! I just finished your weight-loss post and you look more at ease now. And your son, what a transformation! xox

  7. It’s good to hear between mono and colorful. Your outfit still looks fresh and bright and not in the least conservative thanks to the design on the top and the edgy shoes.

  8. This is a great look, Patti. You are so right about that outfit working about 95% of the time–said by another FL resident. The wig has so much personality and spunk.

    • Thanks Kim! Are you having any cool breezes yet? : ) And thanks for your post with good advice on jewelry, xox.

  9. Love you getting your dance on! Heh. I don’t see this as conservative because you’re the one wearing it, Patti. The scarf adds a burst too. I’m a bit muted in this photo but feeling so fine. O took my photos – such a treat. Thanks for the linkup!

    • Right you are, I haven’t been called conservative in at least 40 years : > Loved seeing your Nordstrom videos, and feeling very special to know you. xox

  10. I don’t stick to a certain style either – it’s much more fun to mix it up and have fun! I love the addition of the beautiful scarf to the grey background which allows it to stand out. Fabulous hair too! Hope you have a great week Patti 🙂

    Emma xxx

    • Thanks Emma, and thanks for linking up. I think coated jeans are a fantastic idea for an upgrade, and you look fab. xox

    • Thanks so much for your kind words, Rena. I adore the picture of you and your husband, lots of love there. xox

  11. You look sassy, not conservatively, methinks. 🙂 Love these photos of you! Your shoes and scarf are great fun, and the form-hugging skirt is sensual and elegant! Wonderful look! <3

    • thank you dear Natalia! I enjoyed your time travel back to a gorgeous floral maxi dress, xox.

    • Thank you my friend. Your look today is A++++ fabulous, I must come to Seattle asap to shop with you!

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