I Feel Lousy, But I Look Okay!

I have a rotten cold (is there a “good cold”?). But I hate to miss work, so I put on a cheery floral blouse, my favorite rosy lips, and a brave face. My faux Picasso painting looks over my shoulder, and gives me extra cheer. Hope your day was healthy and happy!

Blouse: Liberty for Target, Skirt: Cabi, Belt: Thrifted,
Shoes: Kenneth Cole Reaction, Bracelets: Target, Earrings: Handmade Gift
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  1. Laura – Thanks for visiting. Your blog is delightful! I live in a 1925 cottage, and I so want the turquoise fridge you showed. Congrats to you on all your achievements.

    Terri – Thanks so much for your kindness. It is a cheery skirt, and rustles when I walk : >

  2. Turning 50 seemed so scary at the time, but I recently turned 60 and I'm having so much fun reinventing myself. A former counselor, I now have two Etsy vintage shops, a facebook fan page, a blog, and am studying special ed laws so that I can be a part time advocate. I'm also in the process of losing those unwanted pounds put on in my 50's so I am looking forward to reading your posts on fashion. We are definitely not our grandmothers. 😎


  3. TNMA – Thank you! I do love that print.

    Lesa – Thanks – laughing at your comment about being "too vintage for vintage"! I still wear it, but in small doses : >

    Pam – Thanks! I am feeling human today, after a looooong cold. Hope you are well.

    Anne – thank you – yeah, that skirt is cut really neat. Do you have anything by Cabi? I thrifted this one and really like the quality.

    Paula – yes, these sandals are very Paula! If you lived in the 'hood, you could wear them today ; >

  4. Wow, you look great with a cold! LOVE those sandals–amoung the other good stuff!
    I hear ya gf on having the clothes work it for you! It'll help you feel better!

  5. You look great! I am a definite believer in dressing up a little when you feel lousy. It often helps. I think everything about that outfit looks great, but for some reason it's the cute, flippy shape of that skirt that's making me smile. Get better soon.

  6. You look amazing…I could not tell you felt bad at all, but do hope you are feeling better. I love this entire look…it is classy and looks great on you! The blouse is great! Get some rest and get better!

  7. I had to laugh at what you said on Pam's blog about vintage clothing. I hopped on that bandwagon too, and bought some very pricey and beautiful dresses, however whenever I wore one I thought I was too vintage myself to carry off the look (so much cuter on a 25 year old than a 50 year old) so back to Etsy they went.

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