Halloween With The World’s Most Interesting Man

Sandy decided to get maximum mileage from his costume, and dressed up last night. He is the Dos Equis man, aka The World’s Most Interesting Man (he’s just missing his bottle here). He handed out cards for free Dos Equis beers, and quoted the Man himself:

  • At museums, he is allowed to touch the art.
  • Sharks have a week dedicated to him.
  • His mother has a tattoo that reads “Son”.
  • Etc.
He is missing his Dos Equis bottle, but otherwise a dead ringer.

I, on the other hand, am saving my Rosie the Riveter costume for tonight, and the official Greenwich Village Parade (madness!). I am afraid 90% of the revelers don’t know who Rosie was, but I will still celebrate her.ย  ☺

Happy Halloween to you all, and stay safe and fabulous.

This coming weekend we are ON for Visible Monday! The link-up will go live Sunday evening at about 5PM Eastern Standard Time.

We’ll party on through Monday. Please join us with your fabulous Visibility!

Join us! Click the Spotlight

P.S. Just now, a children’s parade went past our apartment – so cute!:

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  1. You are totally Rosie with those buff arms created by pushups. ๐Ÿ™‚ xo

  2. How absolutely wonderful it is that you live with 'The World's Most Interesting Man.' Perfect companion for 'Rosie the Riveter.' Have a great time celebrating in the City.

  3. Awwww how fun!! Can't wait to see your Rosie! I went for my classic cat costume. It's always my fall back when I don't have any major plans.

  4. I am so jealous. That you're married to the most interesting man – and hanging out in my fave city. Can't wait to see your costume!

  5. My goodness, what a distinguished man. You'll have to have muscles as Rosie to keep the ladies at bay, and maybe a wrench in your fist. I hope you get a pic of your costume too.

  6. My daughter went as Rosie this year to a Halloween party. She was the only 9 year who had a clue.

  7. Sandy, aka NDYS IT guru! Handsome and then some! The ad is funny, and you are doing a brilliant imitation of Dos Equis Man! Patti, you may be surprised how many people recognize the iconic Rosie the Riveter. Have fun today!

  8. Oh my gosh…your husband does that PERFECTLY! Are you sure it isn't him?

    I can't wait to see your costume.


  9. He's so handsome! I love the costume idea.
    Have a blast! Can't wait to see photos of your costume!

  10. Ha! Sandy is perfect – and so handsome! I love that you guys dressed up.

  11. I can't wait to see pics of your costume! Sandy looks very handsome as the Dos Equis man (I'll have to take your word for it – I've never seen the ads or whatever). And you're still in New York for Halloween! That sounds like a wickedly good time!

  12. Please show us Rosie, Patti…you husband looks so debonaire!! How much fun you are in NYC at this time!

  13. I love it! I'll have to get pictures together of my Unnecessarily Sexy Zoidberg costume this evening.

  14. Such a very handsome and distinguished gentleman you have there, Patti! Can't wait to see a picof you as Rosie! Have a great Halloween parade. xxx

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