Gratitude, Holiday Edition

It’s been a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. We spent most of it with my baby sister and her family, playing games and laughing a lot. Food has never been terribly important to us (sorry, foodie friends!), so we keep it casual and go to a restaurant. The only downside = no stuffing sandwiches for tomorrow.

I try to practice gratitude daily, but I often fall into the more familiar pattern of griping, or moaning, or worse. Today I stayed positive and turned my mind to all the wonderful things right in front of my nose.

Not in order of importance, and not all inclusive, but here are a few:

  • A completely companionable husband, and it doesn’t hurt that he’s wicked smart and handsome too. I didn’t meet him till I was 37, and I guess that was the perfect moment!
  • Healthy family and pets. We are all getting some aches and losing hair, but we’re in remarkably good shape. My sister’s loveable dachshund is 17+ years old, and still hanging in with us.
Jesse, the sweetest dog. She’s about 82 in human years and still loves her treats.
  • Jobs, and enough income to take care of ourselves.
  • Still-functioning brains, to learn, and discuss, and read, write, and watch.  These are the things we love to do, and we can!
  • The daily beauty of the ocean, right across the street, and the always-changing surf.  

      If you have a moment, please share something you’re grateful for, large or small. I’m grateful to all of you who read and remark, and are there to share.

      We are ON for Visible Monday this weekend! The link-up will go live Sunday evening at about 5PM Eastern Standard Time.

      We’ll dance on through Monday. Please join us with your fabulous Visibility.

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      1. That's a lovely list, Patti! While it's true for most of us that there are a few things to gripe about, it is also true that if we look at the bigger picture, we've far more that deserves our appreciation. Thanks for the reminder. xxxxx

      2. I am grateful for my husband, children and grandson. The last 6 months were challenging, but we made it through. Our grandson was born 13 weeks early due to a car accident our daughter was in, 6 months later and both are doing better than expected.

      3. Gratitude is great. I'm all for it!

        I too, have a lovely husband who I'm very grateful for. We've been together since we were 16 so he's kind of like the other side of myself.

        Right now, I'm sitting on the couch with coffee and breakfast inside me, looking out to a beautiful blue skied Autumn/Winter day with blue tits and robins bobbing around the bird feeders on the tree.

        I'm going to spend the day Christmas shopping, posting presents and writing cards, which is a fair amount of work, but I'm also really lucky that I have people to send things to, and nearly enough money to do presents/postage.

      4. Happy Thanksgiving Patti! I just watched The Grinch Who Stole Christmas…the one I've been watching for over forty years. And, as I laughed, I felt really grateful for these simple pleasures…a show that makes me laugh, and reminds me of the times I watched it sitting at my Grandma's and eating sandwiches in front of the TV. I'm grateful I have a like-minded husband, one who rolls with a night out at the theatre as easily as watching a few old favourites on TV. And I'm grateful for two cats that add life and love to my small family!

      5. Patti, I read all your posts, although I seldom comment. But today you've reminded me that I'm thankful for blogs that allow me to read such an amazing variety of topics, because reading feeds my soul in good times and is a solace in bad times. You're such a kind and positive voice in blogland – thank you for that.

      6. Hello Patti the magnificent! I am grateful for you! I am so touched by all the support you share with myself and others via this blog and your kindness and wisdom that I've been fortunate to take part in via the world wide web. It's been a tough few years for me, and at the same time I am so keenly aware of how lucky I am- my mom, her love and support, my opportunity to live a creative and ethical life- where I love where I live, and what I do, my dude, my friends, and most of all, I am so thankful I live in the 21st Century. What an amazing time we live in- I am so glad to be here, right now.

      7. Excellent post, Patti! I'm grateful for all the same things as you, but instead of the ocean we have lots of trees, nice neighbors and a park right across the street. In addition, I'm very grateful for a long weekend!

      8. For this I am thankful. My worst day with Fibromyalgia is better than the best day with Cancer.

      9. Grateful to meet you through the wonderful world of blogging! You're always a positive and supportive voice and you're gorgeous, too! Love Jesse, she's so cute. x

      10. Grateful for my health, friends, family and being able to connect with like minded individuals like yourself via the internet : )

        Happy US Thanksgiving!


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