(Mostly) Gratitude Friday

The world is so full of a number of things (R.L. Stevenson). How true for all of us: heartbreaking violence all over the globe, loss of precious lives, alongside a beautiful blooming tree, a sunset, and a dog’s smile.

Our days are “busy”, and we tend to glorify it, as if the busier we are, the better our lives become. It’s partly the curse of the electronic age. It feels hard to slow down and pet the cat or sip your tea. I’ll slow down now, and write about gratitude. And one grumpy item as well, I am human. I’d love to hear about your week in the comments.
1. We watched Peaky Blinders finale. So made of awesome. There’s no secret about Cillian Murphy’s charisma as the mostly-bad Tommy Shelby, or his hypnotic cheekbones. The plot this season was convoluted but no matter – the writing, acting and atmosphere are compelling. And Polly, poor Polly, how I adore her backbone.

2. Thrift store scores.  A vintage crochet top, a new (as in really new) shower curtain (similar), and a black Anthropologie summer blouse (sim).


My crochet top is very boxy, and falls off the shoulders. A sweet boho look over fitted tanks and tees. One dollar, score.

3. Bathroom redo complete!


Nothing too flashy, but clean and fresh and the toilet flushes in seconds. Ahh, the simple pleasures of life.

4. Biggest sale in the universe starting at Nordie‘s. I think it’s promoted as a life-changing event rather than discounts on clothes. But hey, who doesn’t want to see all the pretty new things at a reduced price? I like it.
Everybody likes a sale:

5. In the grumpy but better-get-used-to-it category: I’m already weary of my summer clothes. Craving one cool breeze, so my necklace doesn’t melt on my chest.

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How was your week? Stay fabulous,and hug each other,

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  1. I don’t even want to look at the news for fear that someone else has been killed (and sure enough, when I looked at today’s news, it was about the police officers killed in Baton Rouge). It is so important to appreciate each day we have, the time spent with loved ones (human or animal), a good book and a cup of tea, or a hug. Life can change in a moment, as it has for so many people all over the world in the past few weeks.
    I had a lovely weekend – sat outside listening to live music at a festival in the park, ate pad thai and apple cake, and read a book on my porch. I found a beautiful silk embroidered robe at my local thrift store, so all the boxes ticked.

  2. I feel like I am waiting for the hammer to drop. So i try to breath in the fresh mountain air as I hike and really look at the beauty of nature around me. I hug my husband and my dogs and pay attention to the feel joy in my heart because they are a part of my life. This week I picked gooseberries from the bushes that I planted and while it was so much work to pick and prep them, I looked at them and thought of all the wonderful nutrients they held and even for that I was grateful. This was a great post, thanks for sharing. Peace. Cheryl

  3. It very difficult to be positive today.

    When I lived in Nice we lived right across the street from the Promenade, just a short ways from where the tragedy took place. My husband is from there and all of this family live there. Thankfully they are fine, however, the city and the people whose lives were taken or destroyed will be forever devastated by their losses. It has saddened me to my core.

    Life can turn on a dime. A huge reminder to be grateful daily for all we have.


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