Get To Know Yourself Better; Vis Monday Reminder

Although I’m a retired psychotherapist, I haven’t turned off the inquisitive (nosy) part of my brain. I’m still fascinated by what makes people tick. To me, there’s nothing more interesting than humans, and what goes on upstairs. Outer space looks cool too, no argument there, but I’m more turned on by inner space.

In the coming year, resolve to get to know yourself better; it will be rewarding. The days of actual New Year’s resolutions are behind me. I still set goals and make plans, but those old “exercise more,” “eat better,” and “be a nicer person in general” are now (I hope) ingrained habits.

So here are some questions to help you, and me, get to know ourselves better next year. They’re great conversation makers too, with your significant other/s and, if you’re in the swing, at a cocktail party.

What do I still want to try? For me, skydiving has never been on the list. But many things still are, like living in a big city for a couple of months, singing in public, and taking a small-boat cruise of the Mediterranean.

What does my inner critical voice say? “You’re too old for that.” Oh, shut up, critical voice.

How do I calm or comfort myself? This is one thing that’s gotten so much easier with age. I meditate, or ride my bike, or sing, or watch “The Crown” on Netflix.

Am I an introvert or extrovert? I’m a strong introvert who knows how to be an extrovert when the occasion requires. A day of non-stop interacting with people, like when I work at the thrift, means practically no conversation at night. Must recharge the batteries.

What matters most to me? I love this question. Many things matter, and I can’t publish them all. But I’ve found that in addition to taking care of my own mental health, my relationship with my husband is the foundation of joy. When we’re humming along together, life is good.


I would love to hear your answers to any or all of the above! Stay fabulous, and see you at the new “Easy does it” Visible Monday,


Reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday around 5PM. You are invited to share your favorite outfit, accessory, hairstyle or lipstick of the week – anything that made you feel Visible. Be there for the best blogger party and the finest style on the webz!

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  1. Thoughtful and insightful post! I also find the inner workings of people fascinating. I agree, resolutions are somewhat juvenile, as wlll as generally ineffective.
    I am most content when my family is well. I am also happiest when I have the right balance of alone time and social time, and when I use my creative energy.
    I also love to listen to audio books…
    I really enjoy your blog.

  2. Hi Patti : One of my New Year Resolutions was to comment on two blogs per day. I have read yours and joined Visible Monday for a while, but due to increased work responsibilities and finishing another graduate course, I have been too busy !! I love blogging as a form of journaling, at the least. I can look back and see what happened any time during the last couple of years. I always like to see you and what you are wearing. You seem very sweet and so I chose to comment here (on my first day). I hope that 2018 brings the best for you and yours.

  3. This is an excellent way to find own secrets. These questions work perfectly with a partner so that we can ask them to each other and check out the similarities and differences.

  4. I love this!!! I just caught myself trying to describe myself and I came up with funny, smart, nice, & weird!!! Nobody was asking me, either lololol It’s good to self-reflect. I like you’re questions and love hearing that your relationship brings you joy <3

  5. This was such a wonderful post Patti!

    Robert and I went through the questions over lunch together today and it was very interesting to see where we aligned and where we differed.

    Each question was a brilliant conversation starter.

    So thanks for such an entertaining lunch! : )


    • Love the idea of sharing over lunch with one’s sweetie! Happy New Year to you both, xox

  6. 1) What do I still want to try? Learning to paint with watercolors
    2) What does my inner critical voice say? You’ll never be good at it. My response: Who cares!
    3) How do I calm/comfort myself? Dive into a good book–head first.
    4) Introvert or extrovert? Your response fits me perfectly. Introvert. Big time. But I can rise to the occasion when necessary. Just be sure to refresh my batteries before putting me out among the public again.
    5) What matters most to me? My family–even when they drive me crazy (see #3).

  7. What do I still want to try? For me, skydiving has never been on the list either. This year, as every year, I make a plan of what I want to accomplish and try out that is new to me. This year I want to learn how to make a good button hole and sew a coat for me and a shirt for my husband. Simple yes, but it has been on my mind for a few years and I just want to do it.

    What does my inner critical voice say? “You’re too old for that.” Oh, shut up, critical voice. Yes I agree with you. My inner voice says that a lot when it comes to driving a long way by myself or if I want to hike a trail. But this year my husband got us new bikes and we are taking them on our 44th anniversary vacation in March. We are staying at the beach and we are going to ride our bikes on the strand. I can’t wait and now that I am getting well after 6 weeks of the flu we will start building up stamina riding.

    How do I calm or comfort myself? I read the bible or put on music. Jazz or worship music are my two favorite choices

    Am I an introvert or extrovert? I’m more of an extrovert than an introvert. I love people and going out to coffee with friends. I’ll talk to anyone anywhere just about. But I have times when I am too much for me even and I have to recharge the batteries with quiet. One way to do that is to sew or spend some time all by myself.

    What matters most to me? After God, my family matters most to me. Time with my Husband is number one but I love being with my sons, their wives, who I adore, and the loves of my life, my grands. I have 5 and they are all amazing.

    • thanks so much for these thoughtful replies, Sue. How fortunate you are to have five grands!! Happy New Year to you and your family, xo

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