Catch The Light: Visible Monday

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It was almost sunset on Christmas day when we arrived at the riverfront restaurant to meet friends for dinner. I like the way the remaining sun glow splashed onto my face and clothes. Catch The Light is going to be one of my goals for 2018, both in photography and in every day joy.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

I didn’t try to dress Christmas-y, because I don’t roll that way. But I wanted to look cheery and pulled-together. This favorite Karina “Ruby” wrap dress always makes me feel good. The thrifted cognac suede jacket (similar) picks up the end-of-day glow. And a good (natural) hair day always boosts the spirit.


Doc Martens buckled boots (sim) are perpetually “in”, and a suede patterned bag by Spencer and Rutherford finishes the earth-tone outfit. The best part was dinner with my sweetie, and our friend-of-29-years Dennis, the NASA Space Shuttle historian, and his delightful friend Jen. All topics of interest were covered at the table, and the food and wine were superb. It was as good as any holiday gets.


Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and catch the light,


Browse these pretty Winter things:

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  1. Happy New Year Patti! That dress is so pretty. The lighting is beautiful. Love the print and how it looks paired with the suede jacket and Doc Martens. Great colors on you. Casual, but still perfectly festive for a holiday dinner. Sounds like you have some very interesting friends!


  2. Love this outfit, but I have to say, your gorgeous natural curls steal the show! Happy New Year to you!

  3. External wrappings are all fine and dandy but it’s the way we feel inside, and the people we surround ourselves with that really create the spirit of Christmas, I feel. And along those lines, dearest Patti, Happy Happy HAPPY 2018 xoxo

  4. So glad you had a nice holiday…sounds like a perfect evening with good friends and food! I love your jacket and Doc Martens always! Happy New Year and thanks for the linkup!

  5. Love the twinkly dusky light of the outfit and the vibe that radiates from this outfit. The wrap dress is brilliant and yes, I think I have seen enough red and green for a while.
    Small gatherings with family and friends is the perfect way to celebrate.
    I wish you all good things for 2018!

  6. I love your splash of sun glow! The best lighting there is. Your Christmas celebration sounds perfect, a relaxed get-together with friends over good food and drink, with no dishes to wash afterwards. I love this outfit on you. Thanks for the linkup. Happy New Year.

  7. Happy New Year, dear Patti! You look beautiful and very stylish! And I love your goal – catching the inner light and basking in it is on my plate as well!

  8. You look really relaxed and beautiful Patti and there IS a definite glow going on here! Those boots are wonderful!

  9. Looking lovely in the evening sunshine, Patti. Will be linking again next week when all’s back to normal 😉 xxx

  10. Natural light is far more beautifying than any filter. You look gorgeous for what sounds like the ideal way to spend the day, good company, great food and plenty of booze!
    Happy New Year!

  11. I bet there was lots of Space Shuttle talk at the Christmas table.

    Looking lovely as usual, especially with the glorious sun on your face.

    Happy New Year!


  12. Happy New Year! Thank you for helping us to be more visible as women of a certain age. I have been enjoying your blog all year—it is so inspiring. Looking forward to a light filled new year!

  13. You’re so right about catching the light. I find it’s better than any filters! Have a wonderful New Year Patti.

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