Friend Friday: Words of Wisdom, Thanks Dad! (And George Carlin)

KatyRose from Modly Chic shook up the Fashion Beauty Friend Friday questions today. She wants to know:  What words of wisdom imparted to you have made a difference in your life? I admire her and her warm curiosity about other people.

It’s such a simple and profound question. In my mid-50’s now, I’ve been given thousands (millions?) of helpful words that helped shape my life. I hope that I am returning the favor to younger people, both in my professional and personal lives. (I still need and welcome advice too!)

It wasn’t difficult to recall some memorable advice:

  • From my beloved father: “Do it! What’s the worst that could happen?” Then dad would patiently walk me through whatever the “worst” was, illustrate how unlikely it was, and promise to be there for me if it did happen. I miss him so much. I try to use his advice every day, from the most ridiculous decisions (A new wine to try? Why not?) to the most profound (move to NewYork? What’s the worst that could happen?)  Other versions of dad’s advice over the years include “If not now, when?” and George Carlin’s more profane and hilarious “Take a *#*#in’ chance!” (Note: This advice wouldn’t be helpful if I’d been the crazy impulsive type. I was quite the opposite.)
  •  More wisdom came from my therapist Anne, when I was in my early thirties. She was guiding me through a very difficult time. I was always trying to find “le bon mot”, the perfect thing to say to make everything alright. She told me, “Speak from your heart and you won’t be wrong.” Lovely, simple, and yes, I have used it many times.
  •  And random, wonderful advice that no woman should ever be without: Put your shoulders back, be very proud of yourself, chin high, you are beautiful, you are enough!

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Visible Monday Reminder:  Monday September 19th is Visible Monday, a group posting for anyone who’d like to participate. The simple guidelines are here. Basically, just post something that makes you feel wonderful/visible, and link to it via my Monday post. Easy and fun.

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  1. Patti, what wonderful wisdom!  I love the "speak from the heart" quote!  And I desperately need your father's bit of advice to "Do it!"; I "what if" myself way too much!  Love this sweet friend!  HUGE hug!  ~Serene

  2. I got that same advice when I got braces when I was 35. They asked me how much older would I be in 5 years with the braces than I would be in 5 years without the braces. It was the best advice I ever got.

  3. you are so lucky to have had such people in your life. Mine always told me that you are lucky (meaning, that you didn't deserve what you got) or you can't handle it …

  4. Wonderful words of wisdom. I like "what's the worst that could happen" and also "you only live once."

  5. Hi my dear! What a lovely insightful post, those words from your dear dad are so inspirational, I will strive to take them on board with decisions I make too. Have a great weekend xxxx

  6. Hiya
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog.

    My father always says 'treat others how you like to be treated' and I feel really strongly about that saying.

    Also 'its not how others see you but how you see yourself is more important', this coming from someone who is very self critical is a hard one but its so true because really if others think you are not good enough then so what as long as you know you are a good person and you look great what does it matter!  xx

  7. Very wise words, indeed!  (We non risk-takers need a little nudge).

    And you get bonus points for fitting George Carlin into this post.  🙂

  8. Wonderful words of wisdom!  On my blog sidebar, I have one of my favorite bits of wisdom from my Grandmother, "there's no point in having nice things if you don't use them."  To me, this also means to take a moment to appreciate what we have, to enjoy family, friends and the beauty of the world around us.

    And simple though they may be, the words from Ricky Nelson's song "Garden Party" have become a bit of a mantra for me of late: "You can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself."

  9. You were very lucky to have had such a great dad!
    I am very risk adverse and don't take many chances.
    I can't even think of any advice I have been given except some I got from Dear Abby regarding college. I did not go until I was 41. Her advice to an older student was that you will be older regardless and why not be older and have a college degree? I got mine at age 46.

  10. These are all wonderful words of wisdom. Speaking from the heart always works. I find when I get rid of the filter the truth comes out in the most perfect way.

  11. "you are enough" is great! I do love your Dad's style! So true and we only really regret those things we didn't do!

    Thanks for the lovely post xo

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