Everyday Summer Wear, and Visible Monday Reminder

Florida summer can be scorching, and dripping with humidity. Dressing for the office isn’t very hard, because the house, car and workplace are well air-conditioned.

For days that involve running errands, biking, shopping, ballgames, and lunching out, we need super-comfortable, lightweight and light-colored pieces. Washable of course!

Here’s a small capsule for my casual days, based around two linen skirts. I love linen in the heat, and I don’t mind the wrinkles. The tops are light and airy too, and in summery florals. I’m really trying to move away from my standard black tees (but how will my friends recognize me?).

Everyday Summer

Jewelry has to be light and barely-felt. And I still love a watch, although I fear they are being phased out by cell phones. Ahh, progress.

Do you have a summer uniform for the hottest days? Readers over 50: do you bare your arms? I do, because it’s hot and there’s nothing shameful about arms that have lived a few years. Visible, and Not Dead Yet, that’s us.

Have a fun-filled Saturday, stay fabulous, and I’ll see you at Visible Monday tomorrow,

Friendly reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday at around 5PM. Be there for all the visible celebrations!

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  1. You know that is a great idea! I need to make a couple of wonderful linen skirts, along with a couple of floral tops….I can just see myself breezing around in my conv. bug!

  2. Great post! And, yes, I have a summer uniform for those hot days, mine consists of a cotton or linen skirt and loose fitting tee (usually linen as well). I prefer skirts over shorts or pants, I think they're a whole lot cooler.
    I guess I can answer the over 50 questions as well, definitely bare those arms!

  3. Patti your summer looks are lovely … as is the fact that you bare your arms! I have decided to do so myself, this year, after deciding for a few years, it was a no go! I love what you said about "no shame in arms that have lived a few years" Count me in as always … Visible and Not Dead!

    And also, as always, thank you for not only creating such a loving supportive community … but championing us as well!

  4. I bare my arms, but not my armpits. Surgeries have made gross dewlaps in that area.
    You've seen me in my summer wear (was I really warm on this trip? Really?), the Mexican huipil (tunic). They are PERFECT for heat, and can be layered under if it gets chilly (though Severo says I look like a bag lady. Hmph).

  5. Lately my uniform has been Karina Dresses! They are comfy- and stretchy and look way better than my pjs. Since I've been working from home, it's hard to rationalize "dress up" so the dresses are a way I look presentable without any extra time. PLUS the 2 times I worked in a vintage dress- they ripped! Boo, 20+ year old fabric and zippers. Yay, awesome American made stylish goodness!

  6. Sorry Patti, I am one of these silly women that doesn't show her arms anymore. They are quite bad in the sense of thready, old skin. Older than I could have expected at my age (well… I am 60, perhaps I could have expected it by now hahaha). So I wear sheer sleeves or tops with sleeves rolled up a bit. But preferable arms covered to the elbow. Living in The Netherlands makes that easy as we don't get much hot weather.

  7. I like the idea, too. I'm hopeless! I use both the cell and watch to be sure!

  8. I tend to wear dresses more. I bare arms because I swim a lot during summer and my arms are toned to a desirable degree.Until tomorrow!

  9. Hi Patti. I love your blog. Always such useful information and inspiration. I just turned 60 damn it and I DO bare my arms and it's really not that pretty. But I try my best not to smoosh them against my bod and I avoid waving to people. I'm thinking of maybe transitioning to mus mus.

  10. I like longish shorts but haven't found any great ones – I will check out EB, thanks.

  11. i can't believe you are about to join the 50's! You are eternally youthful. xox

  12. I can see you looking very cool and pretty in all these choices, Patti. The sweet floral tops would be a lovely alternative to a dark t-shirt – your friends will always recognise your gorgeous smile, never fear!
    Since I will hit 50 next month, I am keen to say I do indeed bare my arms! I went through a stage of thinking I couldn't (ie. shouldn't) but I have decided that this is nonsense! You're right, nothing shameful about that at all! xxx

  13. I'm in the sweltering south as well, over 50, and I absolutely bare my arms. It's the only way to stand the heat outdoors. I'm not in great shape right now due to a couple of problems that haven't let me exercise much, but I really don't mind too much. What bothers me more is my wrinkly elbows! Vanity…

    My summer uniform is lightweight tops, a couple of skirts I love, a pair of longish shorts I found in Eddie Bauer and a couple of summer dresses. Lots of bare skin I'm afraid. Not for work though, but home and casual. Capri pants if I need trousers and the ever present cardigan for overly air conditioned indoor areas. It gets me through the summer and thankfully I no longer care as much about the imperfect parts.

  14. These are so pretty and I know they would look fabulous on you! I like to wear a watch too because I am rather hopeless with a cell phone. Just think of it as retro jewelry. 😉

  15. I'm well under 50 and I generally don't bare my arms 'cos as an hourglass shape, I carry weight on my arms and legs. The plump dimply bit above my elbow is one of the least fav bits on my body.

    I like your wardrobe choices, nonetheless. They look very comfy and practical for the heat.

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