Dress What You’ve Got Now, And Love It

Do you ever shop for the “near future?” You know, for when I “lose a little”, or “firm up”? Although my weight’s been fairly stable over the last ten years (varies by a few pounds up and down), my waist has expanded. It’s not the wine, is it? It’s hormones. Some of my favorite vintage dresses – the kind without elastic – are snug.

I have a similar dress that I love. Have to hold my breath to wear it though. Source

Some diet/fitness “experts” advise keeping a beloved item that’s too tight hanging in a prominent place in your closet. This is a motivator, they say, to meet your body-change goals. Perhaps this does work, as a real-life visualization of where you’d like to be, although it feels like shaming to me. “Once this dress used to fit comfortably, now it doesn’t, have another cookie.”

I don’t like to buy clothing that might fit some future me. Or rub my nose in a fabulous 50’s skirt with a 24″ waist. That makes me feel bad. I like to shop in the here and now, and take home something I can’t wait to put on! In fact, that’s one of my favorite guidelines for buying an item: “Do I want to wear it right way?” If yes, it’s probably going in the shopping cart. If it’s too tight, I don’t really want it in my closet (a pretty storage box would do for my vintage treasures).

Here are some things I do love, they fit me great without Spanx, and they get a lot of wear:

I am always curious about other women’s thoughts on slightly-tight clothes: do you shop for now, or for that vague “later” when your body is different?


And speaking of our bodies, here’s a reminder and an offer for an outstanding skincare product, Laguna Naturals Vitamin C Serum. I have been using it daily for about four months, and am so pleased with the results. It’s great for reducing brown spots, evening out skin tone and giving my skin a glow.


Laguna Naturals has all the scientifically researched ingredients that make a difference in your skin: Vitamins C, E, and D plus new-to-me: Rosa Canina Extract. This last one works as an anti-oxidant, anti-viral, and astringent, the website says. All I can say is: It feels and smells wonderful. My skin has a nice moisturized glow, with no burning or stinging. And it’s paraben-free, no animal testing, and made in the USA.

I encourage you to give Laguna Naturals Vit C Serum a try. Here’s a special offer for my readers, through Friday, February 26th: Take 20% off the regular price with checkout code  NDYSTYLE.

Stay fabulous,

Shop the looks:

Please be aware that links to some vendors are affiliate links. I do benefit from your purchases through those links on the blog.

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  1. I have a couple of pieces in my wardrobe that are too tight, but I really like them, and as long as they aren’t visibly too small, I’ll continue to wear them, but I no longer buy anything that feels too snug as I know I’m not going to get any smaller. My waist has thickened significantly since I turned 50 and it’s been very hard to accept that I don’t have the same body I did 10 or 15 years ago. That said, I try to dress for the body I have now.

  2. My weight was about the same for a long time. I don’t buy for the future me but rather I hold on to the “what I used to be and the possibility that’ll be me again”. Lol so after about a year or two those “what I used to be clothes” go to charity. Embrace who you are today.

  3. I’m aware that my weight fluctuates too (a bit like Suzanne) and therefore if I fall in love with something and it’s a wee bit small I’ll still buy it. I might have a really busy couple of weeks and suddenly have lost 5lbs and hey presto it fits! Of course I do love to wear something straight away, but if it’s a real find; a darling piece, then I can’t let it pass me by!
    Anna’s Island Style

  4. I’m still dealing with the extra 5 lbs I managed to effortlessly add on at Christmas.

    My weight has fluctuated over the years as much as 35 lbs. Sometimes I’ll get on a workout binge, other times I’ve been very ill and lost 20 lbs. Then at Christmas I’ll put on weight or depending on what is happening in my life lose or gain between 5-10 lbs. Wherever I’m at in my weight it is hard for me to imagine being anything BUT that weight and often times I want to change my wardrobe to better fit my “now” body.

    My husband did this. He lost a bunch of weight and then went and got all of his suits altered smaller insisting that he would never gain an ounce of it back. Needless to say our tailor loves us. They all had to be taken out. My husband has a HUGE closet and is as much of a clothes horse as I am.

    I keep wearing my pieces that are a bit too tight. My wardrobe is too large and too well established to think I would switch out items all the time due to fluctuations in my weight.

    It is possible I may be holding onto these pieces and the idea of my thinner self, but one thing I’ve learned is that no matter how much we think we know where we’re going in this life, we simply don’t know until we get there.


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