Blonde And Blondie Rule: Visible Monday

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I wrote recently that while I love my silver hair, I still enjoy a change-up. I’d left out of that post one easy solution: wigs! If I want to be a curly blonde again, it’s as simple as wearing a hat. That’s what I did today, in a Paula Young “Paige” wig that resembles my hair – only blonde and super-full.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

I had to wear a Blondie tee to harmonize with the hair. I love, love this tee. Deborah Harry is so gorgeous and edgy, a fierce combination. I wore her image with a new floral wrap skirt – the skirt was purchased with a gift card from the apologetic airline (read about the overnight stay at Chez Airport here).

blonde blondie

Kitty blends with this outfit like a boss.

The ultra-comfortable sneaker-oxfords are from Sofft, and the bracelets are vintage. The perfect outfit for lunch at the pub and a little downtown shopping.

blonde blondie

“Is that your own hair?” “Damn straight, I paid for it.” Be proud of wearing hair, it’s a wonderful accessory.

Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.

Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and wear what you love, xo


Browse these summery pieces:

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  1. You’re looking very floral badass in that outfit. I love it! And your wig. And how you matched your wig with your T-shirt, heh. I need to check my wig stash! Thanks for hosting, Patti.

  2. Oh don’t you just love Debbie Harry? Total fan, over here as well Patti. And love that floral skirt with it. Once on a flight to NYC I got an udate to business class and guess how I spend those 8 hrs on the plane? Listening to Blondie—Atomic etc….the city would not be the same without her. Oh, wish we could meet her!!!

    Well, at least I walked into Annie Lennox reading at Barnes and Noble on Union Sq once!!! She is the kind of woman I am pretty sure you would also appreciate, or am I wrong?

    Sending love to FL. We are finally passed the heatwave…xo Sabina

  3. You look beautiful and radiating, Patti! The right kind of hair, a wig or a haircut, means so much to us. I can’t wait for my haircut (long overdue)! Love the floral skirt and your she-ro T-shirt!

  4. Oh yes the Blondie t shirt and bold floral skirt is just right for your full, blonde hair. I must admit I have never tried a wig but it is a great idea. Many thanks for hosting Visible Monday.

  5. I love your curly hair, real or not! I’d fight you for that Blondie tee shirt, Debbie Harry rocks! xxx

  6. Ha! Best response ever to wearing a wig! I’ve got to remember that.

    I really love this look, chic and a bit bolder with the bright asymmetrical floral skirt. I’m sure you feel like a million bucks in it because you sure look it.


  7. Beautiful floral skirt and I love the fun mix with the Blondie tee! Now I want a similar tee! :0 Sofft has the best shoes and they are so comfortable.

  8. I used to be a Blondie fan back in my punk days. How I would loved to have that band tee, but my pocket money unfortunately didn’t stretch to such things! Love how you combined it with the floral skirt! xxx

  9. I do love this t-shirt and floral print combo, and you totally rock it! gorgeous, summery and edgy!
    And those shoes are perfect! totally comfy&cool!

  10. I clicked through on the Twilly d’ Hermès Eau de Parfum and found this quote from the creator: “It is with young women in mind, by observing their lives, that I created Twilly d’ Hermès. Free, bold and irreverent, they swim against the tide, impose their own rhythm, invent a new tempo.” By striking the word “young” and putting in “older” or even “old,” I find the description would be equally applicable.

  11. Wow!!! I love that hair!!! Only problem with wigs for me is that they are hot in the summer. I love blonde hair so much and Blondie, too.

  12. I get “Is that your real hair?” about my purple hair, to which I always respond, “Well, it’s not imaginary.”

    Love your blonde hair, your Blondie tee and your coordination with kitty, Patti! Thank you so much for hosting “Vis-Mon”!

  13. Patti, another fabulous look fit for showcasing. Great choice with the skirt. The slight high/low affect of the crossover and ruffle edge adds a fun detail to a longer length skirt. Love your answer to the question about the hair. Thanks for this week’s style inspiration and for hosting. I hope that you’ve had a wonderful weekend.


  14. Hair just makes us feel so good. My heart breaks for ladies who must loose it due to cancer and illness. But the stride they make taking real hair and making it into wigs. Man, do I ever love Blondie and this outfit on pretty you!

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