Working With (And Loving) What You Have

By midlife, we have learned to accept and love our individual beauty . . right? As a teen, I used to page through Seventeen Magazine and pick the girls I’d rather look like. Naturally they were quite my opposites: long, straight hair, slim hips, perfect smiles. I had curly/unruly brown hair, was a bit chubby and had a crooked smile.

Now, though I still thumb through fashion magazines, I don’t find myself wanting to trade places with the beauties. Ironic, because though I am past prime beauty age, as defined by our culture, I am so much more content. This is easier! I not only accept my fine, curly hair, I love it. When it’s hot and humid (frequently, here), my hair gets bigger and crazier. Let it rain!

This isn’t me!!

I did get my teeth straightened in my 20’s, but they are not perfect, just mine. I have a long neck but short legs, so what? I like to wear jewelry that shows off my neck, and skirts rather than trousers (you don’t know where my legs begin!) My skin is palest-pale, so I don’t try to tan, and enjoy wearing ivory mineral makeup.

I am working with what I have, in a spirit of more contentment than my 30 year-old self would have predicted. Not dead yet, and not trying to be something I can never be. One of my favorite quotes from Oscar Wilde sums it up: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

I love Albert’s hair too!

Can you share any ways you are Loving What You’ve Got?

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  1. Terri, Anne – Thank you for reading. Terri, peace of mind is indeed a product of a well-lived middle age. Anne, thank you for reminding us that we are expressive, therefore we have lovely crinkles! Happy Monday!

  2. Great topic! I guess my main ways are:
    1) Like you, working with my unruly waves/curls rather than against them;
    2) Wearing clothes that accentuate the positive, and ignoring the rest;
    3) Choosing to believe that the lines in my face are only there because I'm SO expressive (raises eyebrows for emphasis)

  3. This is so true–there is a trade-off with age. Perhaps less external "beauty" in the culturally understood sense, but a whole lot more peace of mind.

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