What I Wore: Olive And Denim & A Shopping Tip!

I love olive – it matches my eyes, so that’s a harmonious thing. I read in a style book that you can’t go wrong matching your tops and scarves to your eye color. Combine olive with velvet and you’ve got my attention. This little velvet shrug (thrifted, similar) is a favorite for Florida Winter. It’s soft like butter to the touch.

Today I tossed it over a basic black tee (sim) and my reliable Old Navy boyfriend jeans. The crazy Cydwoq booties (sim) add some pattern and funk. And the shrug is the perfect foil for my new necklace, designed by the fabulous Suzanne Carillo. There are seven tiles and each one has a positive word on it, so it makes me extra happy and in the holiday spirit.

olive shrug and jeans

Olive Denim Necklace

Shopping at our friends’ Etsy sites is so much more fun than putting on battle gear for the Mall! I’m not even driving within a mile of our little mall till next year. Are you a fan of off-the-path shopping too?

Stay fabulous,

Linking up to Anne’s 52 Pick-Me-Up: Green Acorn

Not Dead Yet Style is a ShopStyle affiliate – please be aware that all links to these vendors are affiliate links. I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog.

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  1. Yep I also like to buy from little places, and from artists themselves. So much more fun and uniqueness.
    You have got yourself a lovely necklace by Suzanne. And a lovely reminder of your friendship with her.

  2. My eyes are olive too. When my hair was chestnut, olive looked great, and now that it’s silver, olive still looks great.

  3. The shrug looks so cozy and soft. Lovely! I love olive too. I never thought about the fact that it matches my eyes as well. I treat olive as a neutral and wear my olive boots with everything.

  4. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I will have a Xmas linkup party on Thursday. I hope you can make it. I love the look and your necklace is the icing on the cake. Perfekt.

  5. It’s true, olive is a great colour on you, and you can’t go wrong with velvet!
    How lovely to have jewellery made by a friend – Suzanne makes such beautiful pieces. xxx

  6. The shrug is quite lovely and works so well with your casual dressed down look today. You always have such interesting boots too. The necklace is all the nicer when you know who made it – I stock a lot of jewellery in my gallery and love collecting from my favourite artists x
    Anna’s Island Style

    • I agree – jewelry is special when you know the artist. Thanks for all the nice comments. xox

  7. I love olive too, the shrug is awesome,such a great color on you. The necklace looks so fun, and I am an Etsy shopper too, love the vintage finds.
    Happy Holiday
    jess xx

  8. Patti, this is a great look. Casual and chic. The velvet of the shrug adds a touch of class and that unique twist that we only really get from “thrifted” items….or Charity shop finds, as I would call them. Your necklace is the perfect finishing touch!

  9. Well of course I love this outift! : ) So fun to see you wearing the necklace and to see that it hangs at the right spot.

    That velvet shrug is the perfect unique topper.

    I’ve been a bit absent online lately as I am in BC visiting my parents as my Dad has been very ill. He is out of the hospital now so we are hoping we are past the worst of it.

    Any piece I create is always so much better when I see the person I made it for wearing it : )


    • So sorry to hear of your dad’s illness, Suzanne! I hope he is well very soon. Thank you for your kind remarks, and for creating that special necklace! xox

  10. This outfit is so much fun, I absolute LOVE the tile necklace and like you, I can’t resist anything velvet, so good! You look great! XO -Kim

  11. You look so good in olive green – I wore it a lot as a blonde! Love the velvet shrug and Suzanne’s necklace is amazing. isn’t she clever? xxx

    • She is clever, that one, and so talented. As are you – and I cannot picture you as a blonde although I know you were! xox

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