What I Wore: Florida Football-Weather Fashion

One of our Sunday routines is to visit a local pub and watch football with lots of other friendly fans. For many of you, (American-style) football weather means sweaters, boots, and jeans.

It was 86 degrees here yesterday, so all those great Fall pieces would not work. I wore instead some lightweight white trousers, found for fifty cents at Molly Mutt. The brand is Sandro Ferrone, looks to be a nice medium-priced line. The tank is from Old Navy (I have lots of tanks from ON and GAP; they last at least one season and are super-cheap).

I added a silky scarf by Christian Audigier for Ed Hardy. I love the fabric and the colors, and the price: I bought it at a local consignment store for $15. Birkenstock Gizehs for my feet. Must keep up the pedicures through at least October, in the sub-tropics.

Some day, the cool breeze will come.
I’m wearing my clip-in bangs again. It’s so great to not have one’s hair frizz.
King in his condo. Feathers, toys, grooming aids, and obedient humans surround him.

Have a magical Monday, and stay fabulous,

Linking up to Hat Attack #15 at Style Crone today!

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  1. The three clips keep the piece very secure. I understand your bashfulness, b/c it's a sensitive issue – but it doesn't have to be. We all have beauty, no matter the hairs on our heads. xo

  2. Love those bangs. Thanks for being so straightforward about hair loss issues and options. Do you have tips for keeping it secure b/c clips seem so little. Bashful about the topic myself, but grateful for your tips. Thanks

  3. You look so different with straight bangs! Very cool.

    Love that bright scarf.

    What a spoiled kitty!


  4. Those bangs look so real, and they're so cute on you! You look like you're going to cheer for Nebraska (I only know their colors because a lot of my cousins live in Nebraska). We've only just reached the point where I can wear a scarf and it's not too hot (although even here we're supposed to get 80-degree weather this weekend). I love the two knots in the scarf – great idea!

  5. I got this set on eBay, and I have another, darker set from Fortune Wigs. xo

  6. The scarf tied to the side gives the look a cheeky edge! Love the spot of Red! The fringe looks very cute, fake or real!

  7. I was all set to compliment you on the new 'do (and I still am!) without realizing your bangs were clip-in. It's a fantastic look on you.

  8. Great outfit and fabulous hair! The fringe looks amazing and I'm rather fond of some Ed Hardy bling, the Bollywood stars love it!
    King is a handsome lad and a very pampered boy, too! x

  9. I love this look of you Patti! It will be in the 90s this week so I am am not ready for fall clothes and will pretend it it's fall with colors.

    P.S. I am hosting a weekly link up this Thursday and hope you will join me.


  10. You look about 25 here. Great game-day outfit, great outfit for any day… Your bangs are a great short-cut – I'd swear they were growing from your own head.

  11. Patti…I love your hair like this!! You look gorgeous! We are back in the heat as well with hope of fall coming this weekend!

  12. You look so adorable with bangs, Patti! I honestly thought you changed your hairstyle! Love your outfit – the colors, the scarf, the easy sporty elegance about it. xxx

  13. We have lovely autumn weather here in Bavaria but it is chilly in the mornings and at night and temperatures are dropping to 5C…
    As much as you love American football, I am into soccer – I am totally crazy about it and of course I wear my team's shirt!
    You look lovely and I really like your hairstyle, you look so young, Patti!

    Annette | Lady of Style

  14. I can't beieve that fringe is fake, it's completely convincing, and suits you perfectly, Patti!
    Love this look on you, red really suits you, and the scarf is great.
    Oh King. Handsome boy! xxx

  15. Cute look! The scarf is gorgeous. We're also supposed to have temperatures in the mid-to-high 80's for the next several days.

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