What I Wore: A Color Riot

I am usually Queen of the Neutrals. But today I took a fashion chance and threw on all the colors in my closet – OK, a very bright, colorful scarf. I’m not sure about the results. While not un-attractive, it didn’t really feel like me all day, at the office. Full disclosure: I removed the scarf after lunch!

Blouse and skirt: GAP; Shoes: Sofft; Bangle: Thrifted; Scarf: Ross

“Me” would be: lose the scarf (save it for a solid-on-solid office day) and substitute a black or navy belt. I feel good with the pops of color provided by the bangle and shoes.

Lessons learned: it’s fun to color outside the lines. Otherwise there are no lessons learned. And to be confident all day, I need to be true to my personal style. Maybe I’ll repeat this scarf and blouse combo for a movie date or lunch with my sister, over dark jeans.

As I often remind myself, it’s fashion, not surgery! Hope your day was full of happy experiments.

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  1. I love all the lovely colors in your photo, but agree that if you don't feel comfortable it's hard to feel confident. I love pattern-mixing on other bloggers but struggle with it myself. I think my lack of confidence shows when I try it :/

  2. It's funny how that felt somewhat daring to you.  I saw the pic and just assumed it was fabulous.  That's not to say I think you're crazy; it just speaks to the things we embrace in our personal comfort zones.  I sometimes think those preferences are imprinted early on; my mother was a huge influence although I rebelled indignantly.  I still hear her voice in my head, though.  Either way, I really like that scarf with your outfit!!

  3. As a scarf wearer, I think that is a great scarf Patti ! It looks to be a good length, has some width and is a fabulous combination of colours – it will go great with lots of stuff.

  4. I've done the very same thing in that I've worn an item and then, deciding it wasn't my style, took it off midstream.  I do love the colors, and how do we know what's right without pushing boundaries?  

  5. Personally I like the scarf with the print blouse.  Maybe if you tried different shoes or another bracelet it would have worked for you?  Either way, it's a fun outfit!

  6. I'm not hating the scarf with the outfit but I agree that the outfit is better with just your pops of color and that the scarf would really add some pizzazz to a solid colored outfit.  It's so fun to experiment and think outside our usual box of comfort.  Robyn at Robyn's Nest

  7. I like the scarf and the outfit but maybe it's just too much flowy stuff at one time??
    LOVE the pop of the shoes!!

  8. i actually like pattern mixing and you look fabulous in the blouse with the beautiful scarf ! but i understand that your removed the scarf. sometimes when i am not really convinced with my look, i wear it only for some hours, to find out whether it goes with me or not.

  9. I quite like your scarf. I would wear it with a white tank or tee and jeans, or forvtheoffice, a navy blazer, white tank, and the trousers of your liking. I think you should go there again,it's fab!

  10. Two things- it would definitely look better with your dazzling smile and cute hair showing.  And I love the scarf colors, the only thing off with it is that it's too long to go with the long skirt. I don't know how to tie scarfs much myself but if you make it shorter, I bet you'd like it better.

  11. A nice message to share today! I have to remember sometimes to not take fashion too seriously because that's what I admire about other's style. Braveness and unpredictability is the best!

  12. Well, this is not your usual pic – you have omitted your radiant smile! I've gotta tell you, I looove you (at least from the neck down) with this scarf and that top and those other poings of colour. Are you surprised. 🙂 BUT, as you said, if doesn't feel right, so long sucker! I disliked pattern for the longest time until I started going crazy with it. You don't think some crazy therapy would work for you?… Just askin'… You surely don't NEED it though – your existing taste is exquisite!!

  13. I like the general concept of mixing patterns. I think M-T has some good suggestions about mixing fitting and flowy things and sticking with a predominate color.  The scarf/bracelet/shoes could well work with another outfit that shared the same creamy undertones.

  14. I like the combo, but I can see how it might now be you. I think the blue shoes are adorable though. And yes, you can always change your clothes – and it's okay! Fashion is fluid, not set in stone.

  15. While your instincts are good, everything is just too long and flowy/shapeless.  I can tell that there's a great body underneath these shapeless pieces (it's my business to know such things).  Show it off. 

    The scarf, although lovely, looks llike an afterthought.  A striped scarf with one strong, dominant color, perhaps red, wrapped several times around your neck and not hanging too low would work beautifully.  Staying within the same color palette (warm or cool) allows you to mix and match more easily. 

    Love the shoes. 

  16. I really like the scarf with this outfit! But I can understand why it might feel too "out there" for you.

    Way to push your own envelope, Patti!

    Sheila (Ephemera)

  17. Patti, maybe it is the way the scarf is tied that you don't like. It looks like it is long enough to have used as an obi belt over the top. It is a lovely scarf!
    I think you look lovely.

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