Visible Monday #24: Crazy Legs and an Almost-Suit

Welcome to Visible Monday #24! If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the simple how-to.

It’s still warm and sunny here in Central Florida, so I am trying to combine comfortable fabrications with Fall-ish colors and patterns. This ruffled blouse is all silk, and it layers nicely under a jacket or cardigan. The skirt is vintage 1980’s, recently thrifted for 50 cents! I know, ridiculous, less than a pack of gum. But I like the shape, and the hand of the fabric.

The jacket is a recently thrifted find, a cotton/linen blend that is just the right weight for our climate. The peace sign scarf is an oldie but favorite accent. And of course, I insist on wearing boots or booties — these are by Sofft.

The picture on the bookshelf is my dad holding me as a baby, circa 1956.
It’s my favorite picture ever.
I like the look of an almost-suit for work. The scarf-as-belt and blue legs keep it from looking
too corporate or stuffy for my style.

Now, I can’t wait to see what you are wearing today!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple!

  1. Any Monday, whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on this cute little link:

In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


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  1. The bright brilliant beautiful blue is spectacular!  Such an interesting addition to your outfit.

  2. Thanks for your sweet compliments and encouragement. Participating in your Visible Mondays has really been wonderful for me. It's already introduced me to so many great bloggers (yourself included of course!) I am really enjoying myself here.

  3. I love the blue and black combination. In response to your comment on my blog–  In actual fact, it is very easy for me to find clothes. I can wear anything from a size 4 to a size 12.  I sew because I am a designer and creative artist. Now as for finding shoes, with size 11 feet, I am hunting ALL over to find a nice pair of sleds for these dogs.

  4. Hi Patti, nice outfit and you are right the blue thights and booties make it not so corporate – I never look corporate- i do not have to.
    Wow you having a lot of people on Visible Monday, that is great!

    Ariane xxxx

  5. I love this look. The scarf as a belt and the blue stockings…adorable. I have a pair of blue and a pair of wine colored that really make an outfit POP! Your outfit is very cute.

  6. that's a elegant and lady like outfit. You look very graceful and professional with the jacket. The colored tights is a nice accent, I like the electric blue. 


  7. Hi my dear!! A lovely outfit, I love the blue tights too, they really jazz up your look! xx

  8. Oh just LOVING the blue legs;) I really like how you are incorporating fall even into a warmer climate…it's been hard for me since I'm not used to weather this warm this far into the fall. I feel like I'm just ready for it to a be a little more consistent so I can do the same with my wardrobe. 
    50 cents?? Seriously? I didn't think you could get ANYTHING for that anymore, but a beautiful top like that? Wow! 
    That is a great photo on your shelf–priceless for sure. Thanks again for another week of IM!

  9. loving the tights and that they match the shirt pattern! 

    i find colored tights are so much easier to wear than patterned or textured.  and target has cheapo ones that i don't shred with fingernails/zippers/cat/annoyance. 

  10. I love your bright tights.  Can't quite get myself to wear them…….we'll see!
    Thanks for hosting this fun link up!  Have a good week.

  11. You look wonderful in your almost suit. Love the booties.
    It is sure cold here. The 'feels like' temp this morning was 11. It hurts to breathe air that cold. It certainly allows one to wear winter clothing.

  12. The gang's all here, plus some new faces.  I miss everyone and love your take on "bluestockings"!

  13. I'm loving the colored tights trend! great look! I'm looking forward to participating in Visible Monday once I get all moved and settled! xx

  14. In this outfit (as in so many of yours), you epitomize an ideal blend of professionalism and approachability. Great style!

  15. This is such a fun idea! I'm so glad I found your blog through Spunky Chateau, I love it! 🙂 -Rachel ( 

  16. The bright blue tights look great, and I am totally jealous of your warm weather.  I'll take warmth over layers any time.

  17. Those blue tights are fun and add so much to your outfit. 50 cents for that great skirt! I am very impressed. I bought a similar skirt for $3.99 – that sounds expensive in comparison! 

    I like Sofft brand shoes too. They are very comfortable. 

    Happy Monday! 

  18. Patti!  Gorgeous!!!  Personally, I'm not a fan of colored tights on me, but they've really taken your suit from lovely to BAM!  You've managed to make them look quite elegant!  LOVE IT!  Hugs!  ~Serene

  19. Love the scarf as a belt. It's getting cold in my neck of the woods and there have been some signs that snow may be coming.

  20. Blue tights are the coolest. Colored tights really elevated an outfit to a whole extra level. So cool.

  21. Love the blue legs; the color of those tights is just fabulous.  I can't believe it's still so warm there.  I think it's in the 30s here today.  Brrr.

  22. I like this whole look…blue tights and all!!  I really like you in the booties!  I wear "almost" suits alot…it totally works!

  23. I love almost suits!  gone are the days of the coordinating suit–looks a little dated.  and its great we dont have to work in the big coorperate world so we can go with the more casual, unmatched suit.  I love the colored tights!

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