The Secret Of Eternal Youth, And Random Style Thoughts

Last night I went to hear Sandy perform in the local orchestra (French horn forever). It was a combination concert with the Swing Band, so they played lots of Bennie Goodman, Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway.

Their scheduled vocalist was out sick, so a very dapper man in his 70’s was called in to be the soloist. He wore high-waisted baggy 40’s style pants and a fedora, and he gave new life to the old classics. He had me crying at “What A Wonderful World”. He didn’t hit or sustain every note but he was passionate and he knew what he was singing about. My voice teacher always said he’d rather hear a thousand imperfect but heartfelt performances, than a single lifeless, “perfect” one.


Jazz and Swing singer Len Fallen. Source.

The audience was 98% over 75 years old (I was the kid! that never happens!) and when they heard these familiar tunes, they were tapping, clapping, snapping, and smiling. It’s like 20 years was subtracted from their age. Pure joy via music, and companionship. What a wonderful lesson for when I get grumpy about aging, and think all the fun stuff may have already happened. Put on some music and start clapping, and don’t be Dead Yet.
As for the style thoughts, I recently read that when we get the urge to buy, sell, purge, and feel restless about our closets, it may mean it’s time to shake up something else in our lives. Time to try a new recipe (for those of you cook!), a new song, or hairstyle, or volunteer at something random for a day. The urge to be impulsive about our clothes will pass as other interests flow in.


This is not my closet, sigh. Source.

That urge might also mean it’s time to clean out some closet riffraff. Right now I’m contemplating my duplicates (five black tees, e.g.). A useful guide comes from stylist Bridgette Raes: put these duplicates side by side on the bed and choose your favorites. Imogen’s magic question is “Under what circumstance am I going to choose this piece over something else that I always go to?โ€ Your favorites will pop out, and you can sell/donate the others without missing them.

Have a wonderful weekend, see you at Visible Monday, and stay fabulous,

Here are some cool pieces I tend to accumulate:

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  1. Love this post, Patti! I’m nearly caught up with your blogs of recent weeks (have been following your IG though ๐Ÿ™‚ Wishing you a fabulous 2017. Elizabeth xx

  2. I’ve always been super fond of Bridgette’s quote regarding condieration as to when you would choose the lesser over the favorite. There are times, mind you, and so those lesser with a purpose can sometimes be moved to a mini capsule if that seems appropriate but get those lesser items out of the main closet!

  3. Yes to both music and discarding old stuff.
    I tend to give away anything that I donot want to wear anymore. Rest, i will use them as and when they are appropriate. some become home wear, other night wear; old quilted bed spread became door mats; old t shirts became tote bags, etc.

  4. Patti I really enjoy Not Dead Yest style!
    Have just started my own one – in a small way. British stylish at sixty , vintage and secondhand – see below. Regards Fiona

  5. I used to go see a lot of live musical performances, and when I go to a concert now, I realize how much I miss it. I can enjoy all kinds of music played live that I would not listen to at home, and listening to music live can make you feel connected to the people around you, even if you wouldn’t have anything else in common. Big band music played live is so much better – that’s great that Sandy plays in the orchestra.

  6. Music is so much a part of our lives and who we are. My chorus does a lot of performing in active adult communities and, though they enjoy our more modern songs, they really love it when we do songs from our era. They clap, they sing along, and it makes us happy as much as them. One one occasion, I was in a quartet delivering a singing valentine at a nursing home and we stopped to sing for some ladies sitting in a common room. One of them started singing along with us, and an aide told us that this woman was suffering from dementia and had no memory of her life or her family, but she remembered that song. She sang the entire song word for word. I think music seeps into our souls!

  7. I would have loved that! I love all things older. I volunteered at a nursing home in my teens and have always loved older people, music, their stories. I always knew they were paving the way for me. Some of my best friends have been 30years older than me. I felt honored to be friends with them. Also, on another note what if you want to wear a black t shirt 5 days in a row? Great post! Peace! Cheryl

  8. Sounds like a fun evening. So nice to be the kid in the crowd for a change ; P

    I agree that music is a wonderful tool to use to relax and reconnect with parts of ourselves we sometimes forget.


  9. You’re absolutely right about music Patti. I recently went to see a group that were all the rage in the early 80s – New Wave music – and the audience of grey haired slightly dowdy looking men went crazy.
    In 30 years time I’ll be in a rest home trying to pogo to the Sex Pistols.

  10. Sell or donate, yes. Re-make or use bits of them in new garments, if you are a sewist. And, because I tend to wear garments that are as comfortable for me to wear as are pajamas, many of my tired old worn-out trews and blouses get demoted to nightwear — for even more years of use before they disintegrate completely. Even then, some get turned into rag yarn and serve as hot holders, bathmats, or welcome mats.

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