Smart Woman In A Short Dress: Visible Monday

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Sorry to sound pompous! That expression “a smart woman in a short dress” is what my beloved husband said he noticed about me when we met in 1992. I know it seems sexist, the short dress part, but he said he loved the combination of a brain and a bit of leg – an honest man.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Please be kind and leave a link to Not Dead Yet Style in your post.

I don’t wear a short dress much anymore but I made an exception today. This tweedy knit dress is a winter favorite. It’s a no-name dress I found on eBay (similar) for under $25 last year. I love the not-too-tight knit and the drapey neck, and yeah, the shorter length. Worn with tights or leggings, and I don’t mind showing a little leg. And today I added old favorite bronze cowboy boots (thrifted, similar). The fabulous necklace is created by Suzanne Carillo, and has a positive message on every tile.



The breeze was brisk again today.


On the left, my new wool/cashmere wrap courtesy of J. Jill. It’s wonderfully soft and a great top layer. Bottom right photo is with a strong yellow filter, so my hair looks mega-blonde again.

PicMonkey Collage77


Do you wear shorter skirts? Go you!

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

  1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
  2. Include a link to Not Dead Yet Style somewhere in your post.
  3. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
  4. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style has a Facebook page! Please check it out when you have a moment: Facebook Page.

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  1. I missed the link-up (again) and will try to connect tomorrow (my time tomorrow). But I have to give you my opinion about this outfit: FRIKKING FANTASTIC.
    Right… said it.

  2. You look fantastic in your knit dress, Patti! I also have a soft spot for knit dresses, and yes, I do wear short dresses, not often though.

  3. Yes, I wear short skirts, but only in cooler weather when I can wear them over tights. As my legs are still in good shape, and are apparently the “last to go”, I hope to be wearing a short skirt in my 70’s if I’m still around. Those bronze cowboy boots are sooo cool!

  4. What a great outfit! That dress looks wonderful on you. I haven’t worn a short dress in years, but I do own a couple. I think if I had thick enough tights I probably would wear them. Otherwise, I’d wear them with leggings.

  5. I am so not a bare-my-legs woman 🙂 in truth, I prefer midi skirts, and the occasional maxi but that’s me. You, Patti, on the other hand, are well deserving of the compliment your husband made in 1992. And the best bit? Those boots. Woah.

  6. Patti, that dress is awesome!!!! I really like the shape! What a nice thing to say. My husband told someone I was ‘magical’ when they asked what he thought of me! I love that!x

  7. Happy Monday Patti! This is a nice look for you. It also makes me want to kick myself for letting a pair of bronze color shoes go on ebay this weekend. I like how you paired the boots with navy.

  8. You’re still a smart woman in a short dress! And fit the part to the T. Smart husband you have as well. The very way you styled this shorter dress proves just how smart of a woman you truly are.

  9. Patti I just love your wild, windswept hair along with those amazing bronze boots! I’m such a fan of all metallics in shoes and boots, but these take some beating. I’m suffering boot envy, ouch. Thank you for the opportunity to join in your link up party again x
    Anna’s Island Style

  10. A really lovely dress with such a nice texture. It looks great on you and I love the boots.
    In answer to your previous post’s question about socks with shoes for me its a big, big, NO! They’re fine for everybody else but I wouldn’t wear them.

    Toodle pip!

  11. I probably only wear shorter shirts in the summer. I love your outfit here .. very stylish ~ and those boots!


  12. Pingback: Long Plus Layered
  13. I love that dress. The marble brown on it is great! And I love that it looks so practical and versatile.

    Happy Monday my friend!

  14. What a great comment! Your tweedy dress looks fabulous with the tights, boots, and black wrap. I enjoy wearing shorter dresses, especially because I am short, and feel they are more flattering. Have a great week!

  15. Great dress & boots! And what a special necklace!

    I like wearing my shorter dresses with leggings and tights lately. I almost got rid of some of my older dresses but then experimented a bit with new ways to wear them, and I like it.

  16. I was about to say the same as Tiina L, but she covered it nicely! You look great in that length.

  17. Do you know the song “Short Skirt, Long Jacket” by Cake? It is about a really smart strong woman in a short skirt and loooong jacket – my husband likes to sing it to me. He and Sandy are both leg-men!

    Love this dress on you, Patti! I just thrifted a similar one, and love that shorter skirt! Thanks so much for hosting “VisMon” – linking up with my crazy Yeti Coat from Friday!

  18. You look great. Shapely legs deserve to be shown off and what better way than in a short dress, tights, and boots. I love the look and wear it often myself.

  19. Wow, Patti, this is one of my favourite shots of you ever with your hair blowing and that shorter length. Bronze boots and Suzanne’s pendant top it off perfectly. Sandy’s compliment was brilliant, aimed at the heart and the head.

  20. I like your husband’s comment. Smart and beautiful…what is better than that?

    I bet a windy day like that would be have been perfect for your husband to catch some choice waves.

    I really like this look. You’ve completely covered but it is still quite sexy. Plus I’m a sucker for those bronze cowboy boots and of course it always warms my heart when I see you wearing the necklace I made for you.

    I’ll be linking up tomorrow, once I get my post finished : )


  21. You look good in your short tunic dress Patti., with the dark tights and cowboy boots. Love the windswept shot. Many thanks for hosting Visible Monday.

  22. I like the story of your husband’s first impression of you Patti, how lovely! You look amazing, the dress is gorgeous and looks very versatile! And you look amazing as ever, your curls are soooo pretty 🙂 hugs! Beata x

  23. You do look good in your short dress, and the boots are a dream! No, I wouldn’t waer a short dress, but that has nothing to do with age and everything to do with body type. Then again, I would not wear a long dress either, for the same reason. For me, it’s knee-lenght, always perfect. Just goes to show that the right lenght has everything to do with proportion, and every woman has to find her perfect lenght.

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