Packing for NYC! and Visible Monday Is On

Ever-gracious blogger Pam of Over50Feeling40 asked if Visible Monday was on for Memorial Day – yes! Please come over and post your fabulous, visible selves this Monday, May 28th (the post actually goes up Sunday evening).

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This weekend I am starting to pack for our trip to New York City! We’re going for our fourth annual World Science Festival. My husband is an engineer/deep thinker and he enjoys the lectures by some of the world’s top scientists. I attend, and try to absorb a few ideas, heh. There are also some lectures in the mental health field, for moi.

We’ve secured a cool little studio in the West Village to stay in for a few days, and of course there will be plenty of time (says I) for thrifting and vintage shopping. I am packing light, and will supplement my wardrobe with some NY finds as I go, like I did last Fall. Whee!

I have followed the guidance of Une Femme, a very experienced traveler, in creating small capsules. I’ll be relying on a couple of knit skirts and tops, a Karina dress and one pair of jeans, plus ultra-comfortable walking shoes. The shoes are the key to a happy NYC vacation!

Good old Docs, great for stomping around the city
Fidji makes a very comfortable walking bootie too.

Posting will be light next week, after Visible Monday. I’ll be shopping up a storm expanding my mind. Have a wonderful Saturday.

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  1. By late May/June it'll be warming up in New York, it could be warm for  boots on some days.  Tucking a pair of light oxfords or rubber bottomed sandals in might be prudent.

  2. Have a wonderful time Patti!! May you find the most AWESOMEST thrift store with fabulous stuff super cheap!!

  3. How much fun, Patti…I think I would expand my mind the same way you are!!  See you for Visible Monday!

  4. Love your walking shoes/boots, both comfortable and stylish. Waiting to  hear all about your NYC adventure and your new finds.  

  5. Sounds like a wonderful trip! Have a great time – I'll be there for Visible Monday!

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