From the New York Times’ Opinion page, graphic art by Barbara Kruger:
I am working to resist this consumer principle, and trying to buy only what I truly love and will use frequently. I’ve also signed up with Bella’s Shop Secondhand First pledge, and am committed to keeping at least half of my wardrobe sourced from thrift and consignment shops.
I’m not 100% there yet; I just bought two brand-new items online yesterday. But this graphic is a great reminder to keep at it! Especially as the consume-more-and-more season is upon us.
Have a blissful Saturday, and don’t forget: Monday, November 26th is Visible Monday. Everyone is welcome to participate!
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I so agree! The commercials to Buy! Buy! Buy! are annoying me already. At some point there's nothing left to buy that people really want or need.
you are so right patti. i try to buy only things completeing my wardrobe and i also try to buy second hand first. and mostly it works. but sometimes when i find an extraordinary piece i can not resist. but i'm working on it 😉
Patti, this really is great because its spot on! I have had a closet full of clothes that I thought I couldn't live without, only to realize a couple of months later that I had only worn them a couple of times. Obsessive shopping, for me, has always had broader implications than just wanting something new. It's usually been filling a void or trying to find an identity for myself. Thanks for the reminder girly! Hugs! Serene
I am trying hard to control myself, but I have to say it is hard with all the sales now to resist a bargain! Thank you for your reminder. I have so much that I have even forgotten that I have.
I'm really looking forward to sticking to the pledge this next year. I can't really count this year because I've already purchased some new stuff (do socks count?) but it's great to see a movement towards less consumption. Even when I'm buying shoes lately I try to go second hand (via ebay).
I admire your shop secondhand first. Unfortunately the larger woman like me doesn't recycle her clothes much and when she does it's usually because they shrank in the wash. I have found some items I really like and I look forward to seeing your finds.
I committed to Bella's pledge also. While I have still been purchasing new things- specifically shoes and pants – secondhand is always my first thought when it comes to most everything else.
I am trying to work on this too, especially after viewing part of a new reality series about shopaholics. The shopaholics were willing to spend all their money (rent & food included) so they could have literally tons and tons of clothes.
I think that unfortunately the fashion blog-o-sphere perpetuates our desires to have more. When I see something looking extra great on another blogger I think to myself, hey, I want to look that great too! Not only that, but my fashion blog wouldn't exist if all I did was keep repeating the same outfits. There is a certain amount of pressure to continue having new items to show.
I've started shopping more at vintage and consignment/thrift stores but I'm don't want to fall into the assumption that just because I'm buying used/vintage means it's still okay to buy. Two shopaholics on that show shopped exclusively in thrift stores, but they were still shopaholics.
The truth is that I honestly do not need anymore clothes unless I either gain or lose lots of weight. I have all the clothes I need and then some. The other truth is that I love having new things and creating new outfits. The balance must lie somewhere between those 2 truths. I still need to figure that out.
Thanks for bringing up the discussion Patti : )
Dearest Patti,
Wise advise for our economy at the moment… But it takes training for most people!
Patti- what a great graphic reminder- you are so right1 I have way more stuff (secondhand sourced or not) than I need or wear. You're inspiring me to CLEAR out and simplify simplify simplify!
I try to be mindful, buy secondhand when I can, and take in only things I know I will love and use. I do better at some times than other, and really should get my donations ready to go out soon!
So very true!!
Ugh, I too am trying to resist but it is so difficult.
great principle to live by!
Yes, Patti….this is quite accurate. I've been working on that myself.
Exactly. Kudos to artist Barbra Kruger for putting it out there where and when it's the most needed!