Je Ne Regrette Rien (I Regret Nothing), Except . . .

I’m a big proponent of not-regretting. Regret for mistakes I’ve made is useful only as an educational tool, as in “whoa, I don’t ever need to do that again.” Regret for things NOT done is the one that weighs on me. I wish I’d done more deep sea diving when I was younger, and gone out dancing every time I was asked.

It’s healthier to focus on the good decisions we’ve made and the good deeds we’ve done. Smartest real-life thing I ever did: partner up with Sandy for life, starting in 1992. Second smartest decision was quitting a lucrative real estate career to go to grad school for Mental Health Counseling. I loved my second career; it shaped me in all the good ways, and hopefully spread a small amount of comfort and hope.

This post, however, is about style regrets. We can’t hit a home run every time at the plate, and the looks below were pop-up fly balls at best. No shame, just an opportunity to learn about what works best. You’ve done it too, yes?

Yellow is terrible with my complexion. I chose to wear yellow for a style challenge, but I think that was the last time, and the challenge was six years ago. Love the skirt and accessories, but ix-nay on the yellow tops for me. Yellow shoes or bags are groovy, however.

regret yellow

Cropped-over-long is not a good silhouette for me. It makes the lower half of me look preternaturally elongated. The cropped top might look good over a short skirt, but I think I donated it after I saw this pic.regret

Could be cute, but just no. The wide belt is too chunky for me, and cuffed clam diggers are for bike rides only these days. I do miss our beautiful cottage and its lush gardens, though. This picture reminds me to love every place I live, for its own distinct beauty.


Long and longer, not my best look. Too much long and droopy going on here for my small frame. A short scarf would be great, and I do love the mix of color accessories. I still have the cuff and blue suede shoes.regret

In closing, enjoy the incomparable Edith Piaf, who regrets nothing:

Stay fabulous, make good memories, and enjoy every sandwich, xo

Some pieces to browse that may spark joy:

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  1. Thank you, thank you for Edith. I haven’t heard her sing for years and I have forgotten how much I enjoyed her music. Always enjoy your blog but that was a real treat. Jean

  2. Looks like you may have a wonderful opportunity to assist and perhaps enlighten young Chloe of the UK about your fashion perspectives. I think you’re an aptly sensitive spokeswoman Patti.
    My poor fashion choices are part of a learning curve and not the stuff of meaningful regrets. How about “I did it my way”? I’m no Sinatra fan and would like to see this song become an anthem for more women.

    • Yes, the “mistakes” are part of a learning curve, and not life-altering! I didn’t like Sinatra one bit until I became a singer, and now I’m in awe of his technique. Still not a nice person, though!! xo

  3. Live and learn I say.

    Sometimes I look back and wonder what I was thinking but more often I look back and congratulate myself for having the confidence to wear whatever I liked.


  4. I have to be careful what I wear since I’m a petite 5’1. Now reading this post I finally get why those really long scarves of mine just hang on my scarf rack and look pretty. Every time I try to wear them, I take them back off. They are too long! Your post gave me that light bulb moment. ha ha

  5. This post conjures up some of my regrets or what I like to call “shoulda woodas”. You wear skirts so very well, but I love your look in the clam diggers. Because I am the ole gal who like to show too much skin. . and that’s just how I roll.

  6. Dear Patti,

    My name’s Chloe, I am studying Fashion at university in Manchester, UK. Currently, I am conducting research on the representation of older women or ‘Advanced Style’ within the fashion industry at the moment. I came across your Instagram profile and I really think that the uniqueness of your style epitomises the subject I have chosen to write about. I am looking to gather opinions and information by conducting a number of interviews with older women who love fashion and have a distinguished and unique sense of style. If you are interested, I would love to interview you at some point in the near future, either over email or another form of contact which would be more convenient for you. Many thanks for taking the time to read this message and I hope to hear from you in the near future.
    Kind Regards,

    Chloe Davies

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