It’s The Little Things . . .

It’s the little things . . . . I think grooming and preening can become massive chores. Trying out a new lipstick is fun, and so is flipping through magazines/Pinterest looking for fab new hairstyles. But I don’t want to add up the hours I have spent priming, de-fuzzing, cuticle-oiling, eye-lining, and elbow bleaching (well, I’ve never done that – should I?)

And when it comes to beauty and grooming products, lots of promises are made and few kept. I have found, however, a few little things – rituals and products well worth the expense and time. I think they actually make a difference in how I look and feel:

  • A good haircut that works with my hair. A blunt cut is best for me. Like all of you, I have had great and horrible haircuts over the years. A cut that works with my fine, curly hair makes all the difference in my day. I get a professional snipping about twice a year, and trim it myself when I think it needs it.
Always OK to throw on my favorite wig, which looks like my own hair on its best day ever.
  • Along similar lines, keeping my silver looking silver-y is a small but important routine. I haven’t colored my hair in over four years, but I enjoy the color shampoos that give a slight tint of pink or purple (yes).
  • Breaking a sweat via aerobic exercise, and lifting weights a couple of times a week. Daily pushups, sit-ups and squats. All this takes some time, about 40 minutes a day, but I feel wonderful when it’s done. It’s got health bennies and all that, and I do like to feel strong.
  • For my face and hands: Retin-A at night and vitamin C serum in the morning. Any old cheap body moisturizer will do for the rest of me, with a few drops of my favorite scent added in.
  • Good OH, as the dentist likes to say – oral hygiene. Brushing, flossing and the occasional whitening strip give me confidence about smiling big.
A welcoming smile is so attractive. Photo by JØNΛS on Unsplash.
  • A sunblock that would be effective on the surface of the sun. Like SPF 1,000 if they made it. 😊
  • For the finishing touch, I can skip foundation, blush and powder, but I always do lipstick or gloss, and some black mascara.

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

What little things are worth it for you? Even if you’re totally low-maintenance, what do you do that you plan to keep doing forever? I always love to hear your thoughts! And Happy Thursday, all.

Stay fabulous and safe, wash and wash and wash (your hands), xo

Listen to the professionals for all the latest news on the virus! Meanwhile, browse these treats:

Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I may benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog. Header image by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash.

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  1. I am always curious about other women’s beauty routines. yours seems to do well by you. I try to walk for about 40minutes most days, do some weight work and stuff like planks and yoga routines which I make up since I trained as a yoga teacher. I think consistency is important. I have yet to find a skin care routine which I really like, although who knows how I would look if I did nothing!

    • Hi Darby and thanks for coming by. Planks are so good for strength; your routine sounds well balanced. LOL at what our skin would look like if we did nothing. : > Even on a bad day, I smear some cocoa butter on my skin! Stay safe, xx.

  2. A great haircut and the maintenance to keep it in check. At 57, I am fortunate that my hair still grows super quick so spending the money to have it trimmed every 5 weeks is number one one my list. I also do a Retin -A at night and Vitamin C serum, plus weekly mask. Whatever I do on my face I also do on my neck, décolleté, and hands. My exercise of choice is a vigorous walk – 2+ miles a day.

    • Hi Jeanne! Thanks for coming over and sharing your ideas. I am happy-jealous of your hair. And a two mile walk is a fantastic daily routine! Stay well, and have a good weekend, xx.

  3. Lovely to read about these so important ‘little things’!.
    I totally agree that a nice haircut makes a difference!. And same about oral higiene, sunblock and wearing lipstick and mascara (even if not going anywhere, which happens frequently these days!).
    I’m not a huge fan of makeup or beauty products myself, but always clean and moisturize my skin. For anything else, the only requirement is ‘mínimum effort, maximum effect’. ;DD I’m really lazy!

    • good morning, Sra. and it’s so good to see you. I like your natural beauty routine, and your skin always looks glowing! Stay safe and fabulous, xx.

  4. Thank you for sharing your beauty routines which are obviously beneficial as you look great. Very motivating to follow , I really like and will add your share of adding a few drops a favorite scent to body moisturizer as wearing perfume always makes me feel vibrant and young again.

    • Hi Joan and thanks for coming over, and for your kind words. I too love to wear fragrance, even if I’m not going anywhere! Stay safe, xx.

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