Five habits I thought I would have outgrown by now. In my seventh decade, I have a lot of wisdom. Many childish habits and worries have fallen by the side. Confidence has replaced youthful insecurities. I am experienced in love, money, and the Ways of the World.
“We are always the same age inside.”
-Gertrude Stein
There are a few areas, however, in which I can’t move the needle past age 16 or so. And maybe I don’t want to! So here are confessions from a senior goddess who still thinks a new lipstick might change her life:
- I get crushes. Oh, dear, I still get massive crushes on celebrities. My latest is Henry Cavill, who played Superman and had a major role in the BBC series, The Tudors. I have Googled his pictures, re-watched The Tudors, and yes, imagined that he likes women of a Certain Age (his mum’s age, no doubt). I have the wisdom to channel this robust enthusiasm into my own love life.
- I laugh like a crazy person at stupid movies. I thought by now I’d have outgrown Animal House and CaddyShack and Young Frankenstein. But I still hurt myself laughing at and quoting these old chestnuts. That’s a peach, hon.
- I exceed the speed limit and pass on the right. Not all the time of course! But lots of times. I haven’t acquired “old lady driving” habits yet, and I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket for over 25 years. So I am getting better at this.

- I love loud rock and roll, especially outside, on a warm night. Classics for sure (Stones, Led, The Who) and newer stuff that “the kids” listen to. It gets my pulse racing and I feel some of those rumbles I felt as a young woman, at a Battle of the Bands in New Jersey.

And one more thing that I can’t say on the internets, in case my nieces are reading. 😊
“Ah, but I was so much older then; I’m younger than that now”
Bob Dylan
Any adolescent habits you’re holding on to, re-visiting, or trying to shake? We have to grow old, but we don’t (always, in every way) have to grow up. Hope your day is wonderful!
Stay fabulous and safe, wash and wash and wash (your hands), xo

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It’s a good thing that you’re retaining youthful attitudes and behavior. Sadly, too many older people decline into conservatism, irritability and susceptibility to misinformation (as described by research in this article — ).
Hello Ally, great to see you. Someday . . . I’ll be able to fly to NYC and you and I can have an adult beverage, and talk about the “bad old days.” Thanks for sharing the article; this quote is distressing: “Older adults consume more misinformation and are more likely to share misinformation.” We’ve got to be smarter. Stay safe and fabulous, xox.
Perfect Blog. Am a Huge Fan of Yours. I am another Class of ’73 who lives in Florida, having moved here from Chicago in ’15 & miss The City. Love your NY Blogs. Love Rock & Roll but listen to Classical alot these days. I wear Skorts, Sneakers & T-Shirts mostly from OneBlood where I donate Platelets. These are a big change from the School Uniforms of my Youth. And dressing to the 9’s when I was in Advertising in Chicago. Although in my own way…thrifted snake cowboy boots with “ladies who lunch” dresses. And Chicos Travelers when I was on the road for many years. Wore 2nd Hand /Thrifted then & still do…now I sell it.
Lastly, I have a much longer pony tail than I ever had, 20″.
Keep up the good work. You are a joy in my life.
thanks very much, Jean, for your so-kind words! I love the look of cowboy boots with a dressy-dress, you have cool style. Stay fabulous and well, and as young as you feel, xx.
I once found the perfect lipstick, it was Estee Lauder “black wine”. When I wore it I would get complements like how great my hair looked or that I looked really pretty, which had never happened before. Alas, they have stopped making it. I continue to hoard the remains in my final tube, scraping it it out with a lip brush. Also, even at a rather advanced age I still hold out for romance.
Always be ready for romance! Thanks for coming over, Darby. I am going to look for duplicates of “black wine” now. Stay safe, xx.
We were and are a great generation with ideals of Peace, Love, Compassion . I still Love Mick Jagger ,Bob Dylan and beloved Leonard Cohen my forever crushes and read Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti ,and Patti Smith. Your site echoes the positivity warmth ,honesty and compassion of our generation Thank you so much.
Hello Joan and thank you for your warm and encouraging words. Leonard Cohen is one of my favorites of all time, along with Dylan and Neil Young. Great poets who also made music. Our generation gets a lot of guff (“thanks, Boomers”) but we truly were peace-loving and creative. xx