I’m An Unabashed Repeater: My Refined Style

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I am an outfit repeater, I confess. When I like the colors and shapes of a look, I have no issues with wearing it again . . . and again. Every day brings a new adventure, but it doesn’t always have to bring a new outfit.

Welcome to an exciting link-up for us over-40 fashion lovers: My Refined Style, created by the lovely Shellie of The FABulous Journey. We’re hosting a link-up once a month, that all you 40+ beauties can participate in, and share the love. All you have to do is leave a link below, using the ever-familiar InLinkz tool, and mention My Refined Style in your post. Your link-up will be shared over seven fab blogs, and Harpers Bazaar magazine (kidding, for now, about that last thing).

This is a favorite any-day look for me: an easy knit top (sim), and jeans – or in this case stretchy black Michael Kors trousers (sim). Here I’m adding a vintage 1960’s tassel necklace (sim), picked up in the East Village, and old reliable Sofft booties (sim). Feels just right for any adventure that might come our way today.


When I find something I like (my husband, Hershey’s kisses, B.B. King) I stick with it.

My Refined Style Banner

Monthly Fashion Over-40 Linkup.

Women shouldn’t have to follow a set of rules once they reach a certain age. However, the over-40 woman does develop the confidence to refine her own personal style and that’s what My Refined Style is all about!

My Refined Style Hosts

Meet Your Hosts

Please Follow Your Hosts on their blog or Bloglovin’ and/or their other social media links!

My Refined Style Host - Shellie

The FABulous Journey

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MRS Profile Pic - Jessica

Elegantly Dressed And Stylish

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MRS Profile Pic - Dawn

Fashion Should Be Fun – Style Over 40

Twitter | Bloglovin |Facebook | Pinterest |Instagram

My ReFined Style Host - Patti

Not Dead Yet Style

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My Refined Style Host - Cherie

Style Nudge

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My Refined Style Host - Andrea

Living On Cloud Nine

Twitter | Bloglovin | Google+ | Pinterest

My Refined Style Host - Jennifer


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Grab the My Refined Style button for your website!

The FABulous Journey
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  1. I have several outfits that feel, and look good, so I will repeat them periodically. The people I work with think I have so many clothes, but I probably wear the same 10 pieces over and over, and mix them up with different accessories.

  2. Absolutely! I do the same. Especially if I have a favorite dress or skirt.. Some days it is about yoga pants on the weekend Love the color on you, of course the vintage necklace and I am a fan of Sofft shoes, as they are just that!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx

  3. Nothing wrong with being a repeater. You know what you like and what looks good on you and that is a great thing. I call my repeater outfit my uniform or my go to look. It’s a must. A pleasure to co-host with you Patti!


  4. I too am a repeat offender, Patti. I think I’ve worn my black capri pants more times on the blog than any of my readers would care to remember GRIN and I remain incorrigible in being completely unapologetic about it. They’re comfy. They’re flattering. They go with virtually everything, no matter the season. And I love them. I’m sure I’ll be wearing yet more of them throughout 2016 πŸ™‚ xoxo

  5. What a great idea for a link-up (though I’m not in that age group and can’t participate) — I love that you’re so willing to be honest about repeating outfits. I do that ALL the time! I feel like most people don’t admit it but I honestly think it’s the best sign of style maturity — when you KNOW an outfit looks smashing and you don’t just wear it once because… why?


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  6. I love the ease of the cute top too and the sleeves are some of my favorite! Perfect outfit!

  7. I hear you… I’m an outfit repeater, too. I could easily live in the same few clothes for days / weeks (well, washing them at times, of course…), and I have a bad habit of buying multiples of my favourite pieces. And when I get something new, it’s as if I fall in love with a piece of clothing and want to wear it all the time. I’m trying to pass it off as having a ‘capsule wardrobe’, though…

  8. If I didn’t repeat outfits, there are days I wouldn’t be able to get dressed. LOL.

    I’ve been a reader for a while, and this morning I saw your blog mentioned in an article on style for women over 45 in The Wall Street Journal. The gist of the article was that many designers and retailers ignore women over 40 (that’s news?, that there are some online retailers that were starting to focus on this group, but that there were several popular blogs that went there already.

    • thanks for the heads-up, Kathleen – and we repeaters will keep on repeating! xo

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