How To “Look Your Age” And Be Cool With It

We all have a touch of vanity, and want to look good (in our culture, that usually means young). So when I have occasion to state my age (pharmacy, senior discount movies, voter registration) I find myself waiting expectantly for the shock, the disbelief and denial. “You? No way! I would’ve guessed late 40’s.”

Those surprised responses come less frequently, and I’m adjusting. Mostly now I get a smile and a nod, and perhaps the person will tell me their age in return. So what’s that nagging little disappointment in my head? Have I attached so much value to “looking younger” that I get a pang when I appear my given age?

I don’t promote lying about your age. But this is funny.

Because we can change nothing but our own selves, I have found new ways to talk to myself about this. Here are seven ways I cope. I’d love to hear yours if this situation has come into your universe.

  • I have seen about twenty-one thousand sunsets. Wow.
  • When I am 70 (if I am so fortunate) I will say, “Damn I was hot at 60.”
  • My declining vision is not an all-bad thing.
  • I will start saying I am 75 now, then wait for the reaction.
  • You should see my brain – it’s still fabulous and looks like Gisele Bundchen.
We have beautiful brains. Source.
  • Life events that would have knocked me over at 25 are now bearable. I go with the flow, I’m a willow.
  • I am hot at 60, for as much as that matters. Sandy made me write this.

Stay fabulous at any age, and be sassy,

Browse some of the lovely things about being a grown-up woman:

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