How To Invite Spring To Your Wardrobe: Visible Monday

How To Invite Spring To Your Wardrobe. Are you Northerners getting tired of winter, and winter clothes? Don’t answer that, I think I know. Florida winter is mild, but it’s the time we get to wear tights and boots and the occasional hat. So we grab that opportunity, until it hits about 78 degrees.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

Here’s one way to introduce some Spring to your closet, no matter the outdoor temperatures: a whimsical, warm-weather themed sweater or tee. Feel free to layer if you live north of Georgia. Mine has a hot pink flamingo, or you could go with a palm tree, flowers/moths, or summer fruits. Or just go with a crazy-happy color that makes Spring feel inevitable. My cotton sweater is from J. Crew Factory (sold out, sry) and it makes me smile whenever I wear it.

She’s standing tall, my hot pink flamingo. That’s what they do.

The gray Banana Republic skirt (sim) was a thrift find, for about $10. It’s a substantial weight, lined, and buttons up the front. You can see it doesn’t fit just right yet, I need to take the waist in an inch. That should take me about six months, tops. 😃

It’s always a good time to wear my floral Dr. Martens. And a hot pink cardigan, thrifted years ago, makes it all matchy.

Are you feeling any Spring in your wardrobe yet? Show us in the link-up.

Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.


Note to my wonderful readers: I’ve been forced to move to Inlinkz‘ new link-up software, and there are some differences. I don’t love the email verification changes, and I sent the company a friendly complaint. They responded with this cheery note:

The [email] verification process is a mandatory change, not only for protecting your account from spam links, but mainly due to the GRPD legislation regarding Private Information data. Entrants can use their facebook login with just one click or create an account with Inlinkz by using only an email and a password of their preference. The login is permanent for each browser and the system will not ask again for a login unless they explicitly log out or they login from another computer. So, it is something they have to do only once.”

Short version: Inlinkz had to do it for security, and security is a good thing. A small pain in the ass, but a good thing.

Stay fabulous and wear what you love, xo

Browse these cool pieces:

Inlinkz Link Party

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  1. The content has been rather catching and intriguing enough to receive all probable nuances to recall.

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    In my view, it is better to be ready for all the unexpected scenarios ahead of time, so yes, it was rather cool.

  2. That’s such a fun sweater! I have a flamingo jumper but it’s a Christmas design, which kinda limits me to wearing it in December! I’m looking forward to wearing jackets more instead of coats. It’s still too early to think about bare legs though!

    Emma xxx

  3. I love all the matchy pink in this, Patti! You look wonderful, and I like that “chill cat” (as I think of her) seems to approve. Thank you as always for reminding us to be visible!

    I will try to link up again, but as I don’t do FB, and I DO logout from everything all the time, I don’t know if the linky will work for me (I prefer not to have my email floating around out there to 3rd parties), but I’ll give it a shot – I will of course, still continue to link back to you/Vis-Mon, even if I can’t make my picture show. XO, She

    • thank you Sheila, and I do miss you terribly! Darn social media. You’re always fabulous and fun to see here. xox

  4. Sweet and stylish! Love the pink flamingo tee with the pink cardie on top. Pink really works well with gray, I think. Have been adding some Spring to my outfits last weekend, as we actually had some mild and sunny Spring weather! xxx

    • Thank you Ann. Your cat shirt is so groovy – I love it with your just-found-it skirt. xox

    • Thanks Jess! And your new tweed jacket is fab, and I love it with the statement pin. Have a great week ahead, xox.

  5. The pink cardigan really pulls everything together, doesn’t it?! Great styling, Patti!

    My nod to spring is floral shirts with the kind of prints that call to mind Victorian wallpaper. Pale pastel or neutral backgrounds over run with nosegays, courting birds and flowers a-bloom. I also like to take the plain, boring buttons off shirts and replace them with something more interesting; either a matching set of something vintage-ish or random selections from my button collection.

    • Thanks, Cee. Your floral shirts sound lovely, esp with custom buttons. Have a great week ahead. xox

  6. Hah…you’re like me. I know there’s alterations that need to be done, but somehow they keep getting put off.
    I love the sweater….it just snowed here, so I’ll have to bring in even more spring like thoughts!!

    • Your snow attire (all three of you) is awesome! Way to make that snow rock and roll. Thanks for linking up, xox.

  7. I’m very happy that after five weeks in India I’ve come home to unseasonably warm weather in the UK – usually I’m freezing on my return home. No need for gloves or heavy coats – bliss!
    Loving the new Docs and that cheeky flamingo! xxx

    • Thanks Vix, and welcome home. I’m enjoying your travelogues; you write them to make us feel like we are there with you! xox

  8. Hi Patti
    I just truly love your Doc Martens!!

    Btw, I find that new link system doesn’t load all my photos. Then when I click on load, they don’t allow you to crop so the pic is unaligned with a cut off head, hence me putting an old pic that I use as my icon. Perhaps I should contact them? Have a great week x

    • Hello Penny and thank you for coming over! I had a few issues getting my pictures cropped but the help center got me through. I think the older system was easier! And I was younger then : > xox

  9. Your tee reminds me of a youthful venture. A friend snobbishly derided having pink flamingoes in one’s yard. Late one night, my brother and I borrowed (not stole!) some pink flamingoes from a house down the street and planted them in the friend’s yard. After having a laugh over that, we put the flamingoes back in their place a couple of nights later, which was much harder than taking them.
    No harm no foul.
    I love your floral Doc Martens with the flamingo shirt. Happy!

  10. Love your flamingo! Spring seems to be in the air here in London. Winter never really got going (so far) so I don’t have the yearning yet for spring clothes. But I’m already wearing something less wintry in the link up!

    • Thanks Gail! I adore your new black and white outfit – with the brilliant pink flower behind you, xox.

  11. Love your flamingo sweater and your bright pink cardigan. Most of all I love your happy vibe . Yes I am getting tired of the cold, but it is getting milder here. You know I love to use lots of color when it is gloomy and gray outside. Have a wonderful week!

    • Thanks Elle! We’ll be in NYC this coming weekend, and I see the temps are getting milder for sure. Loved your (swoon) review of Atelier Karolina Lankocz. xox

  12. LOVE the flamingo sweater—I can’t help but love the unofficial campy mascot of Florida whoop whoop!! Banana Republic is one of my fav ‘box’ stores. I even had a part time seasonal job there once!

    • LOL at “campy mascot of Florida” – I think flamingos are having a moment just now! Thanks for linking up, you’re fabulous. xox

  13. Thank you Patti for hosting these link-ups! You always remind me which is good since I often forget too! Have a wonderful week!

  14. I’m surprised you’re up for wearing a sweater, Patti. I’m in Tampa and although the humidity hasn’t rolled in, it’s a challenge to wear a sweater for very long. I’m finding I need a few wardrobe refreshers for spring.

    • Thanks Kim. I do run cold-blooded! Love your mix of red and vibrant pink – really stylish, xox.

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