How To Discover (More Of) Your Own Style

While every day brings adjustments and adaptations, some things don’t change much with age. Even at 60, I’m fascinated with “discovering” or evolving my style. I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how I’m introducing new elements into my wardrobe. I’m lusting after Japanese minimalist looks, easy-going natural fabrics, and slightly off-beat pieces.  I’m reading blogs and the style sections of my newspapers, and window shopping.

Pinterest has been a huge helper (enabler?) as one can find almost anything, including a grilled cheese sandwich, on Pinterest. Here’s a Pinterest Board, Frocks and Things, I recently came across, that’s loaded with cool minimalist/Lagenlook pieces. The looks are not all my style, but they give me ideas and inspiration.

I especially love the outfits below: simple without being boring, calm colors, and rule-breaking silhouettes.


Source. This jumpsuit looks like perfection to me.

PicMonkey Collage

Left, right. Love the skinny crops on the left, and the humongous scarf.

And I go here for gray hair inspiration. It’s exciting to see my hair change color, and I don’t miss the chemicals I used to bathe it in.

Where do you like to kill a lot of time explore on Pinterest? I’d love to hear from you about your favorite Pinterest boards, including your own. I want to expand my universe of pretty things, and what better recommendations than from my online fashion sisters?

Stay fabulous,

Browse the looks:

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  1. I don’t go on Pinterest, I have all on keeping up wit blogging (as you can tell by the way I am behind with my commenting and linking – oops!)
    I can see you rocking that jumpsuit, Patti, but I wonder if some of the more free-form pieces, like that black dress, would swamp your petite and gorgeous figure? Just a thought – your call entirely, of course!
    Those women have amazing hair! xxxx

  2. For me, the main sources of inspiration are vintage films, and other bloggers. I don’t use pinterest as much as I used to as I found I was pinning lots of things that while I can appreciate on others, would never look good on me! I find pinterest makes me want to be more modern and trendy, and that’s just not me. So, this week my inspiration has mainly come from watching the film W.E. about Wallis Simpson (brilliant costume!) and from reading some other blogs about vintage style. x

  3. I created an account on Pinterest a couple of years ago, and got sucked into the bottomless hole of cute animals, delicious food, brilliant quotes, etc. and had to give it up. I’m on a computer way too much as it is.
    I like the jumpsuit and those wide legged cropped denim pants. Even though I like clothing that is dramatic and somewhat oversized, it has to have a shape to it and hug your body somewhere. I am open to trying new shapes, styles and colours and I still feel my style preferences are evolving and changing.

  4. While I like the minimalist style, I don’t like the shapeless garments so .. sometimes these styles just aren’t for me.

    Ah, pintrest .. I seem to lust after fashionable outfits and all kinds of delicious food offerings. I’ve found some great recipes for salads and crock pot meals.


  5. Hi Patti, I have been MIA and so glad to have found time to get back to visiting your blog. I have a lot of reading to catch up on:) I love Pinterest and it is also where I go when I need some inspiration. I think the photos are pinned from a Tumblr account??? but if you search Death by Elocution you will get the most fabulous assortment of minimal, monochromatic outfits *sigh* xx

  6. I worked for Eileen Fisher for awhile and we wore all those grey and black and white basics. It was quite freeing. Almost like a uniform. Love Japanese sewing books. I’ll bet you do, too.

  7. I’m a sucker for Pinterest when it comes to admiring pugs (surprise!) collecting recipes and then actually making them, DIY or jewellery ideas and bits of information for future travels. I don’t often use it for fashion. Weird…I know. I’m terribly lazy about even posting my own outfits on there.


  8. Pinterest is my rabbit hole. {Can you believe I just now took a mini break from commenting to check out grilled cheese sandwiches? I’m truly a hopeless case.} Like Val, I find Pinterest, for the most part, inspiring. I get a lot of ideas for clothing, decor, and food. On the flip side….I often question if I’m just using up valuable time.

    • You’re an artist and you thrive on new ideas – you need to spend time on Pinterest (says me : > ) xox

  9. I’m not on it, I spend far too much time on the net as it is!
    Love the grey haired ladies especially the girl with the glasses. Gorgeous! xxx

  10. It’s great that life doesn’t end with age. We never had to stop learning, growing and improving. All we need is the desire. You and I share that.

    • Yes – learning and being open to new ideas – that will keep us from being stereotypical “old folks.”

  11. I’m a Pinterest junkie. It’s just such a great tool to save images and articles to refer back to later. Love that look with the skinny black pants and leopard shoes…

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