Featured Fab Blogger: Sarah Hulbert Style

Sarah popped up on my radar when she first linked up with Visible Monday. I have been reading her blog ever since, and loving her positivity and her creative style.

Sarah says her “Style Faves” include bright lipstick, leopard prints, knee high boots, pearls worn with menswear, and “all things sparkly”. Sound like a lot? When Sarah pulls it together, it’s just right. She also can help you beautify your home and personalize your closet; she likes to make things more fabulous.

Color, texture, pattern, shine – Sarah works all the elements for a
personal style that glows.
She can really make her accessories sizzle, like these leopard flats
and brilliant scarf.
And Sarah mixes brights beautifully and with confidence.

If you haven’t yet, please check out Sarah’s blog; it will make you smile.

Sarah very kindly bestowed the Sunshine Award on my blog. It comes with the request to answer her questions, so here we go:

  1. Why did you originally start your blog? I wanted to write about being 50-something and still being interested in looking great. And slightly worried about the whole Am-I-Too-Old-To-Be-Fashionable thing.
  2. Why do you continue to blog? What inspires you to keep going? The pleasure of the interaction with other bloggers, and the discipline of making myself write!
  3. What is the most treasured item in your closet? How/why did you acquire it? Hmmm, not too many treasures in there. Can I say my wedding ring?
  4. What is your signature style piece? (A scarf, a favorite coat, piece of jewelry, etc.) Probably booties, brown or black, with full skirts.
  5. What movie/TV show do you find most inspires your style? I adore the fashions Grace Kelly wore in all the films she did in the 1950’s, esp if Cary Grant was in them.
  6. Got any great pics of your sense of style as a kiddo? Please post or describe. Umm, I was a chubby kid with short curly hair. Probably cuter than I remember, but I was not stylish in any way!
  7. “I can’t believe I ever wore…” Hot pants.
  8. Fill in the blank: “My biggest personal style hurtle is _________. I jump this hurtle by ________________.” Financial/thrift shopping.
  9. What era of style do you most identify with and why? (Roaring twenties, nineties grunge, etc.) I love something about every era, but I especially adore the long, sleek dresses of the 1930’s, and the fabulous hairstyles of that time.
  10. I have been blogging less than a year. What is the best advice you would give to a newbie blogger? Be yourself!

I can never choose just a handful of blogs that inspire me, so I pass this award on to all of you who would like to participate. Spread the sunshine.

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  1. Great post! It was interesting to read your answers to Sarah's questions. I've had the pleasure of meeting Sarah in real life and I can say she is as colorful and joyful as her blog suggests. She's so much fun to be around. I'm glad so many people are discovering her blog and seeing her awesome style.

  2. congratulations on your award! i appreciate your advice  to be always yourself and i appreciate your pics showing a woman full of love for life.

  3. Well i like her of course- stylish and colorful, do i follow her? i check some many blogs in a week
    I will check for sure and follow her!

    Thanks Patti and congrats for the award
    I don't get them anymore cause i do not answers the questionnaire, i am a bad girl but like i give all my awards to all you fabulous Ladies !

    Ariane xxxx

  4. LOVE her style!!
    Patti- you deserve all kinds of awards!! Your visible monday's have introduced me to so many fabulous and inspiring blogger!

  5. Congratulations!  I've been reading fashion blogs and see so many great outfits put together from thrifting.  I want to give it a whirl!

  6. Patti, thank you so much for this kind honor. I am humbled to be thought of so highly by a beautiful and confident woman such as yourself! I loved the answers to your questions -To Catch a Thief is an all-time fave movie for me, and I too love the posh and glitz of the thirties fashions. Thank you again for being a proponent for beautiful and visible women of all ages. Keep up the great blogging, Patti!!! ~Sarah

  7. Congrats on your award!  Your answers were really fun 🙂  You wore hot pants? I bet you were smokin' hot, lol!  Sarah's blog is great too.  I love her sense of style and she is absolutely beautiful.  Heather

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