Dressed For Flying, and Visible Monday Reminder

How I wish we could really fly! I mean like birds. Wouldn’t that be so free, and no having to take off our shoes for security.

Tomorrow morning we fly (sigh, on an airplane) back to Florida. Our trip’s been delightful in every way. For frosting on the cake, Sandy surprised me with this 1930’s Egyptian bracelet from Bella’s Etsy shop.

Sandy and Bella conspired and she sent the package with a faux return address. Still, I wondered what S. had ordered from Extraordinary Gifts for Clever Gentlemen . . . . And they couldn’t have chosen a finer gift, I love it.

Seen in the East Village.

See you Sunday evening at the party, and stay fabulous,


Friendly reminder: Visible Monday starts Sunday at around 5PM. Be there for the best blogger party on the webz!

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  1. I've always loved that quote. Debbie @ ilovemylemonadelife.com

  2. What a lovely present. Going through all that secret trouble, makes the gift even more value. Bella is the best (and your gorgeous huband too of course).

  3. That's some guy you've got there. Gorgeous bracelet. Welcome back to Florida…we've missed you 🙂 I've enjoyed posts during your trip, NYC is so much fun to visit with a good travel companion.

  4. What a wonderful surprise gift, and how fun that Bella and Sandy conspired to make you so happy!

    I saw that quote of Maya Angelou's recently. It's so true.

  5. Look at that model hand! : ) Not only is the bracelet lovely but it goes perfectly with your divine ring.

    Ha I love that it was marked Extraordinary gifts for clever gentlemen. Brilliant!


  6. The bracelet is gorgeous…and how much fun that Sandy worked with Bella!! Safe travels!

  7. What a beautiful bracelet! I love your OM ring too. Have a safe and pleasant trip home. xo

  8. Oh what fun! Your bracelet is exquisite! I couldn't have made my *Bella* purchase without the help of my husband…he was a willing courier. We are so lucky to have such indulgent partners Patti!

  9. Fabulous bracelet and I love the tale of subterfuge between Bella and Sandy. Safe journey x

  10. What a gorgeous gift! Sandy is indeed a clever gentleman! Safe journey home, Patti. xxx

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