Chill Out With A Vintage Jacket: Visible Monday

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Yes, we’ve just had the Deep Chill in Central Florida. Overnight temperatures were in the 30’s, a rare occurrence for us. Just that one night you wish you’d kept the electric blanket you brought here from Boston. We survived and are back in the sunny 60’s today. Good thing, because my true-winter closet is tiny.

Welcome to Visible Monday. If you want to participate, it’s so easy: just go to the bottom of this post for the how-to. Link back to Not Dead Yet Style if you like – we’re on Easy Does It “rules” now!

Layering, as you all know, is the key to staying comfortable indoors and out. Here I’m wearing a vintage wool jacket over a thin wool sweater from GAP (sim), old-old knit pencil skirt (sim), grey leggings, and my new Doc Martens (sim). If I were to take a long walk, I’d add my leather jacket with faux fur trim, and a knit scarf.


The jacket was found in a NYC thrift shop, for about $25. I don’t know how old it is, but it’s got that fab 1940’s shape and shoulders, and no tags. Those are black beads on the lapel and pockets. The vintage bracelet is from Citizen Rosebud, and add-on hair is the Paige by Paula Young.


Now, let’s see what’s in your closet, Visible Women.

The guidelines to participate in the Visible Monday Link-Up are so simple:

    1. Whoever wants to can join in! Just compose a post that includes any outfit, accessory, piece of jewelry, hairstyle, cosmetic or other adornment that makes you feel more confident, alive and visible that day.
    2. Go to the bottom of this post and click on the InLinkz button “Add Your Link”. It should open a new page.
    3. In the “Next Step”, you crop the pic (easy tool) you want to display, and you’re done!
    4. Visit a few other bloggers, to make new friends and increase your own following.


Oh hey! Not Dead Yet Style is on Instagram! Please check it out when you have a moment: Instagram.

Stay fabulous and as chill as you like,


Browse these fab wintry things:

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  1. The jacket definitely has a 1940’s shape to it – it is so flattering on you, and the details on the pockets and collar add extra pizazz. I heard that Florida was getting colder temperatures as well – at least you don’t have the piles of snow we’ve been digging through.

  2. I need a pair of Doc Martens like that, they are absolutely gorgeous! I’m loving that amazing jacket as well. At least you got to wear some of your cold weather wardrobe, even if it was just for a day! xxx

  3. That jacket is SWEET! Those 1940s styles are so flattering.

    One year I need to get you up here to discover what real cold is all about! Ha ha! Although I think it can get very cold in Boston too and they always seem to have horrible snow storms there.

    Lucky for us it has now “warmed up” to the freezing mark. Yes…everything in life is relative.


  4. That jacket was a great find, the shape is perfect on you and I love your boots! Also love that add on hair Patti – looks so good!

  5. What a change to have to really layer to keep warm, even for a short time.Just as well you found that wonderful vintage jacket , so very you especially with those great Docs.Happy New Year Patti.

  6. That vintage jacket is truly special, very beautiful! I am glad you survived the cold snap. It has been cold here too, 20 below with wind chill factored in…Brr.. happy week! Extreme weather! ergh…
    You layered beautifully!

  7. Funky and warm! Aren’t you glad you get to wear your warm clothes? Although I suppose the 60-degree temps feel cold enough. Heh. Great outfit. Those Docs are awesome. And the jacket, I love that embellishment. What a great find. Thanks for the linkup!

  8. I’ll always love me a vintage piece Patti, and that jacket was such a good find! The beading is beautiful.

    Thank you for the link up, have a good weekend (and glad to hear your temps are warmer)!

    Catherine x

  9. Lovely layered outfit, you look like you stepped out of a classic movie from the 1940s (an updated look with the DM boots). As for “deep chill” we in Ontario are in a deep freeze with temperatures not fit for man nor beast! I’d love to be in Florida!


  10. Oh yes, that jacket is definitely 40’s and I love it. An allover great look. I know about those shocking temps you had. My sister messaged me that morning because she was worried about all her house plants. Glad its warmed up for you. And I believe in those layers!

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