Beyond The Trends: How Far Will You Go? (A Lighter Look)

I’m not a very trendy fashionista. I just bought a pair of red jeans, I mean two weeks ago. They’re probably so dated, they’re about to be back in, so I’m good.

I’ve been thinking about trends and quirky styles – how far beyond the main would we go for fashion? I prefer my clothing to be useful as well as attractive, so this FlaskScarf really appeals. It comes with a super-straw and a hidden reservoir for your beverage of choice:

“Like a Saint Bernard, with style,” says the site. Of course, you don’t have to stash wine/whiskey here, but
most days it wouldn’t hurt.

There’s a version for the men-folk too, here.

Need new shoes? And working on a hungry? These shoes might handle all your issues, while looking pasta-tively fab.

If you never miss a Star Wars movie premiere, this tee might thrill you:

You may think you have an eclectic handbag collection, but you don’t have this:

Armadillo goes with everything.

Or this:

My favorite. His face is fierce.

How far will you go to make a statement?  ^‿^

Have a ridiculously happy day, and stay fabulous, if not ferocious!

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  1. I knew I was lacking a chicken bag in my collection!

    I've forwarded the flask tie to my husband…he is going to die over that one and I'm sure it will be on his Christmas list. LOL


  2. Darn. I really want that armadillo bag. Oh well. ( j/k). I am not very edgy, but will wear shorter skirts than what some may wear in their 40s. Otherwise, I am not sure……!

  3. Funny,funny – good, appetizing shoes. 🙂

  4. What a fun post! Just what do you think she's drinking out of that scarf?! The Star Wars dress is my fav!
    Dawn Lucy

  5. Hee hee! How glorious and truly disgusting all at the same time! Well the chicken bag is pretty cool, and the dress is fine, but the spaghetti shoes? Uggh! Gross! 🙂

  6. I saw a handbag made from an actual real armadillo years ago in a thrift store. I always regret not buying it.

  7. I have one made from a real armadillo as well, but I don't carry it. The creepy factor is a big part of the fun.

  8. I though about the swan outfit while writing this post!

  9. Oh these are fantastic! I am not really a statement maker. I wear what I like and don't try to make a statement other than hey this is what I like. I do love the chicken purse though. The spaghetti shoes are the funniest and I would love to wear them somewhere but there is no way I would actually spend money on those or really want to ruin the look of a pretty dress with them. Actually, now that I think of it, I totally would wear the Star Wars dress. I would not pay what it costs though.

  10. Well, whether intended as jokey and whimsical, or seriously avant garde, fashion needs its oddities and quirkiness. Wouldn't it all be terribly worthy and dull otherwise? I'm reminded of Bjork's swan outfit, was it at the Oscars? Everyone laughed and scoffed, but we all remember it! xxx

  11. I'm absolutely passing on that scarf flask as it seems a little creepy to me, but I really need those spaghetti stilettos! We have our bi-annual Family Folllies coming up this summer, and I'm tired of catching flak for not planning my costumes with the proper level of gusto. Thanks for the inspiration.

  12. I would totally buy that chicken purse. In fact, I have a sister who is getting one of those for her next birthday.

  13. I like to have fun with clothes now that I don't have to work in an office any more, just to … have fun, not so much to make a statement 🙂 so I always look for something different like the giraffe dress which you can see on yesterday Visible Monday. I also have that chicken bag which I found at a small store here in Palo Alto, I carried it a few times and now I am thinking about giving it to my grand-niece (as is grand kid niece :))

  14. The flask scarf!!! I must have a flask scarf!!! And a chicken bag in which to stow the chips and dip. And if the spaghetti shoes were flats, fettuccini perhaps, yeah those, too. As for the dress, I'm more of a Jim Jarmush geek so maybe with a photo of Tom Waits. Love this, Patti!!!!!

  15. Thanks, I found one at Amazon, too, but the handles are red. Amazing how many there are when you stop to look!

  16. So sorry, I just would not do any of these…I don't care about functional fashion…its function is to help me feel my confident best! Maybe in my past…but not now.

  17. Give me quirky any day of the week. That scarf flask is a brilliant idea!xxx

  18. no suing needed, I would wear that too. That, and the ScarfFlask. xo

  19. I actually do have the armadillo bag. I want the chicken one; where can I find it?

  20. Okay, so sue me for the geel that I am, but if I had that body, I'd SO rock the Luke Skywalker dress!

  21. I'm in lack for words. I will never go that far for style but Im curious about the people they do. What's their profile?

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