You Feel The Power Of Love

That song, The Power Of Love, by Huey Lewis and the News, was a huge hit in 1985, on the soundtrack to the movie Back To The Future. I was 30 years old and fascinated by the power of love, in the romantic way. “Love” could bring me to my knees, with an unexpected phone call or letter (what’s a letter?).

The 1980’s melody hasn’t completely stood up to the passage of time, and the words are corny, but they still resonate with me.

Don’t take money, don’t take fame
Don’t need no credit card to ride this train
Tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel
You won’t feel it until you feel
You feel the power, feel the power of love

The opposite power, that of hate, has been inflamed in my country. It’s all around in the media and in restaurant conversations, and hard to escape. Last night at a pub in NYC, two very drunk men verbally assaulted, and threatened to hit, the man sitting next to me at the bar. They thought that instead of watching the baseball game, he was eyeballing them.

The ugliness ended with a whimper, as the angry drunks left the bar, still loud and full of hate. No physical blows were exchanged. I talked to the man who’d been threatened, a quiet and intelligent fellow. He said he didn’t give the incident much thought, and he rose above.

Not me, I thought, I hold a grudge. The two nasty men still weigh on my mind. I need to be more like the good guy who rises above. That’s the power of capital-L love.

Love, in this case expressed as kindness and serenity, can still rule the day. May it be ever so.

Some scenes from the city that never sleeps, and with which I am deeply in love:

power of love

A friendly girl in Washington Square Park.

power of love

When Lady Liberty has to check her texts. Times Square.

The West Village, dressing for 90 degrees.

Smooth harmonies on Bleecker Street.

Stay fabulous and feel the power, xo,


Here’s some summer beauties to browse:

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  1. I miss NYC so much! I have to admit, I would be with you in that I would have been fuming about those stupid guys for a while. Good for the guy who was their target for taking the high road. There is so much anger and hate in the world, and the States in particular right now. You can see how Trump’s racist attitude has trickled down to the masses in the way people are constantly calling the police on black people who are minding their own business.

    • As a truck driver – I think your full of it with bashing Trump! What is wrong with you? And it’s a shame all the innocent people in Ukraine had to die over people that actually want a war there. You should go

  2. I’m glad the man beside you could stay so calm; it probably saved a bunch of people a bunch of grief. Rise above. I shall try. This is an important reminder. Love that song.
    Great shots of NYC, Patti!!

  3. As soon as I began reading your post, the music played out in my mind. It really saddens me the change in our culture. There are very few people I discuss anything of real importance with. I miss that opinions and view points can no longer be exchanged peacefully (and safely now it seems). There is such judgment and criticism that it is nearly unbearable. I have 3 teenagers and the culture they are growing up in makes me cringe.

    • I agree, Shirley, and if I had teenagers I’d be equally concerned. Civility is becoming more rare. xox

  4. Girl, u know I’m having an 80s moment, so I’m very into this—-also, Obama’s speech where he ended it about love being more natural. That’s our advantage over hate. I hold grudges until I’ve seen discernible signs from people in regards to feeling remorse and motivation to change, including taking the actual steps or actions to facilitate those changes. Glad that guy didn’t get hurt by those bullies.

    • That speech brought tears to my eyes. Love is the more natural way. Have a fab weekend, xo

  5. A quote from Dodinski that I sent to my husband at work the other day (he has a screaming boss), seems to be close to the one that the fellow in the bar followed: “When faced with senseless drama, spiteful criticisms and misguided opinions, walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself. To respond with anger is an endorsement of their attitude.”

  6. glad that nobody was hurt, even if the situation was so annoying and potentially dangerous!, (drunk) angry men are becoming too usual. I think we need that people get more united against this kind of behaviour.
    Anyway, I love your pics, your attitude and the power of Love!

  7. That song always gets my toes tapping, Patti! I love your message of rising above, letting go of grudges, putting the power of love to strong work. What a scary thing to witness. I can only imagine how that man felt being the target of such hatred. Thank goodness it ended without violence.

    Also, that squirrel! ❤️


    • I know, that squirrel can’t wait for me to get back to the park! Thanks for your kind and wise words, xox

  8. One thing I learn never to really do, is discussing politics or religion. These two topics seem to anger people. And I quite can’t understand why. People should be able to have open discussions even if they share different views. I am from U.K. and I also spend a lot of time in France with my background. And I have been traveling a lot this summer. And I have to tell you, people get angry a lot in America. I have been to NYC and I love it. But I do notice, you mix booze with some immature people then things start to occur. I am glad nothing happened to you while at this place. You look amazing in that outfit. I think this city is great and I really love street performers. They make everything feel just cool 🙂

    • It is wonderful to have open discussions without anger, I totally agree that’s what we need, Heather. And I also agree – the city is amazing! xo

  9. What an ugly thing to have witnessed. Things like that always bear down on me, wondering where all this hate is coming from. It’s hard not to bear a grudge, but you’re right, we need the power of love. Love your NYC photos, and Lady Liberty checking her texts made me smile! xxx

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