What I Wore: Green Delights

I’ve been listening the The White Album while I do my housework, some of the most original music of the late 60’s imo.  The George Harrison song “Savoy Truffle” got stuck in my head:
“Crème tangerine and Montelimar” is the first line. I  used to think it was a drug song, or even a sexy-sex song. But I found this much more pedestrian meaning of the song via Wikipedia:

[George]Harrison wrote the song as a tribute to his friend Eric Clapton’s chocolate addiction, and indeed he derived the title and many of the lyrics from a box of Mackintosh’s Good News chocolates. Supposedly all of the confectionery names used in the song are authentic, except cherry cream and coconut fudge. The chorus (“But you’ll have to have them all pulled out after the savoy truffle”) is a reference to the deterioration of one’s teeth after eating too many sweets.

Anyway, I also mistakenly thought George was singing “Green tangerine . . .” and that inspired me to buy this dress at the Molly Mutt thrift. Doh. But I really like the emerald color and the flowy shape, so there’s that.

The dress is by CAbi, and it’s easy to wash and dry, and style. It’s really huge on me, so I’ve been belting it. I’ve also worn it as a blouse under a full skirt. It’s now officially my Green Tangerine dress, and apologies to George.

Still bare-legged weather here, so I wore my nude wedge sandals.
The bead necklace was made by a friend. Feeling groovy today.

Have a sunny day, and stay fabulous,

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  1. It is certainly a green delight the dress. You look gorgeous in that color.

    Joly Look

  2. I love it that sometimes a dress is not just a dress! For me, they're often about so much more than cut, fabric, color … and I'm glad when anyone points out that "value added" element of a piece or an outfit of their own.
    Looking lovely, m'dear!

  3. That shade of green looks wonderful on you! If I were you I'd be tempted to ditch the belt and wear a huge pendant necklace which finishes at the waist, it would emphasise your gorgeous figure! xxx

  4. So the song really is about chocolate truffles?! How funny. You look lovely in green Patti.

  5. Lovely smile, Patti! I love that yellow belt with the dress to give it some shape and a pop of contrast. And thanks for telling me about that song – I never stopped to think about it, and now I want a truffle. 🙂

  6. I love this colour paired with yellow! So fresh : ) Not at all making me think of chocolates….mmmmmmmmmm……chocolates……gotta run! I can hear some chocolate calling my name!


  7. Gorgeous colour; you know, you could always take the dress in at the sides to streamline it a little more, then you won't get so much fabric gathered around the belt. But it looks just fine as is too! You're both feeling and looking groovy, Patti!
    I remember Good News chocolates, which shows my age… xxx

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